A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to selectors that specifies a special state of the element to be selected. For example :hover will apply a style when the user hovers over the element specified by the selector. 我觉得 pseudo class 叫 state selector pseudo elements 叫 sub-elements sel...
A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s). For example, the pseudo-class :hover can be used to select a button when a user's pointer hovers over the button and this selected button can t
:is pseudo-class selector Note: This was originally specified as :matches() and :any() , but :is() has become a CSS standard. MDN explains: :is() CSS pseudo-class function takes a selector list as a parameter, and selects any element that can be selected by any selector in the ...
The:focus-withinpseudo-class has support among all modern browsers, and actsalmostlike a parent selector but only for a very specific condition. When attached to a containing element and a child element matches for:focus, styles can be added to the containing elementand/orany other elements wi...
CSS selector: Custom state pseudo-class selector (`:state()`) Global usage 86.16% + 5.31% = 91.47% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ❌ 12 - 89: Not supported ◐ 90 - 124: Partial support ✅ 125 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ❌...
Description The :has() pseudo-class fulfills the decades-long desire for a "parent selector", while adding even more power to CSS. :has( ) allows other selectors as arguments, including :pseudo-classes. Exactly which :pseudo-classes are ...
CSS selector: First page pseudo-class (`:first`) Global usage 97.04% + 0% = 97.04% IE ❌ 6 - 7: Not supported ✅ 8 - 10: Supported ✅ 11: Supported Edge ✅ 12 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 115: Not supported ✅ 116 - 132: Supported ✅ 133...
A CSS pseudo-element is a keyword added to a selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected element(s).
what can a pseudo-class/pseudo-element do? 伪类(pseudo-class)& 伪元素(pseudo-element) 伪类和伪元素在web开发中用的好的话,可以说犹如神助。 但一定要分清楚,什么是伪类,什么是伪元素。 如何区分伪元素与伪类? 答:伪元素在html文档渲染后,页面中有相应的内容显示,同时能够设置它的样式,而伪类只能设置样...
Note that inCSS3,W3Crecommended to use two colons (::) forpseudo-elementslike::beforeor::after. From theMDN web doc on Pseudo-elements: Note: As a rule, double colons (::) should be used instead of a single colon (:). This distinguishes pseudo-classes from pseudo-elements. However, ...