General sibling selectors A~B Child selectors A>B Descendant Selectors A B Pseudo-elements Pseudo-classes 对于外部链接标识为蓝色; a[href^="http://"] { color: blue; } [attr~=special]{} 实际上 类选择器就是这种属性选择器的特例.special = [class~="special"] 则选中所有class属性中包含了speci...
The CSS :popover-open pseudo-class is part of the Popover API that selects a popover element and styles the popover when […] :popover-open{border:0;} Continue Reading Q R :read-write / :read-only The :read-write and :read-only selectors are two mutability pseudo-classes aiming at ma...
CSS selectors allow you to select elements by type, attribute, and position in the HTML document. This tutorial describes three new options :is() ,...
一: CSS3将伪对象选择符(Pseudo-Element Selectors)前面的单个冒号(:)修改为双冒号(::)用以区别伪类选择符(Pseudo-Classes Selectors),但以前的写法仍然有效。 为了支持IE8,许多目前许多情况还是使用单个冒号,显示效果一样 1.E:first-letter/E::first-letter{ sRules } 设置对象内的第一个字符的样式。 /** ...
A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to selectors that specifies a special state of the element to be selected. For example :hover will apply a style when the user hovers over the element specified by the selector. 我觉得 pseudo class 叫 state selector ...
Class Selector (E.myclass) comment E[att="val"] Type Selector (E) 语法与规则 Rules and Syntax E[att~="val"] ID Selector (E#myid) E[att^="val"] Element Selectors index @page :left @page :first @page :right E:hover E:active Pseudo-Classes Selectors index E:checked E:lang(fr...
伪类选择器(Pseudo-class selectors)用于选择具有特定状态或关系的元素。 以下是一些常见的伪类选择器种类: 树结构伪类(Tree-Structural pseudo-classes):用于根据元素在其父元素中的位置或在文档中的结构来选择元素。结构伪类可以选择元素的位置、数量以及它们的关系。这些伪类可以根据元素在文档中的结构或父元素中的位置... 在css3规范中,定义了以下几种类型的selector: Basic selector type selector: elementname class selector: .classname ID selector: #idName universal se... 查看原文 css总结 /en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors) Type selectors ...
Pseudo class selectors are CSS selectors with a colon preceding them. You are probably very familiar with a few of them. Like hover:
CSS Pseudo-Element Selectors伪对象选择符 一: CSS3将伪对象选择符(Pseudo-Element Selectors)前面的单个冒号(:)修改为双冒号(::)用以区别伪类选择符(Pseudo-Classes Selectors),但以前的写法仍然有效。 为了支持IE8,许多目前许多情况还是使用单个冒号,显示效果一样...