The CSS:has()pseudo-class is a level 4 CSS selector that is now available as a fully supported feature in many browsers. It’ a relational pseudo-class that allows you to check if a given element contains certain child elements, select it if any match is found, and then style it accor...
selector::pseudo-element { property: value; } p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } h1::before { content: '♥'; } 3、常用伪元素选择器 伪元素选择器并不是针对真正的元素使用的选择器,而是针对CSS中已经定义好的伪元素使用的选择器,CSS中有如下四种常用伪元素选择器:first-line、 first-letter、 ...
B: '+' sinbling selector, if we don't have seconduland replaced with ali, then it is targeting thisli; which is the sinbling of firstul Works It targets all the first-of-type of ul:first-of-type, which means it goes down to the deep of the tree, might targeting something you d...
:future is a CSS pseudo-selector we can use to style upcoming elements during media playback. Think subtitles in videos. We […] :future(p){opacity:.5;} Continue Reading G H :has() The CSS :has() pseudo-class selects elements that contain other elements that match the selector passe...
基本的选择器规则(Selector) 类型(Type)选择器 类(Class)选择器 ID 选择器 参数(Attribute)选择器 通配符 组合选择器(Combinator) 子选择器和后代选择器 兄弟选择器和相邻兄弟选择器 选择器列表 伪类(Pseudo-Classes) 链接和按钮相关 表单输入相关 DOM 子节点相关 DOM 相关的其他伪类 其他 伪元素(Pseudo-elements...
原文链接:[1] 作者:[2] 总览 CSS选择器允许你通过类型、属性、位于HTML文档中的位置来选择元素。本教程阐述了三个新选项:is()、:where()和:has()。
In this excerpt from Unleashing the Power of CSS, we take a deep dive into how to select elements with the CSS :has() selector.Heralded as “the parent selector”, the :has() pseudo-class has far greater range than just styling an element’s ancestor. With its availability in Safari ...
pseudo class 叫 state selector pseudo elements 叫 sub-elements selector 更容易记忆 链接的 pseudo class a:link 未浏览过,未 hover 时的链接 a:visited 浏览过的链接 a:hover 鼠标 hover 的链接。当然 :hover 还可以应用与 p/div/span 标签。例如,使用 span 做了几个按钮,当鼠标移到到 span 上时,需...
class selector: .classname ID selector: #idName universal selector: * ns|* *|* attribute selector [attr=value] Combinators adjacent sibling selectors A+B General sibling selectors A~B Child selectors A>B Descendant Selectors A B Pseudo-elements ...
The way I think about:hasis this:it’s a parent selector pseudo-class. That is CSS-speak for “it lets you change the parent element if it has a child or another element that follows it.” This might feel weird! It might break your mental model of how CSS works. This is how I’...