10,11 Among them, Ycf2 and five FtsH-like proteins each contain ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+) ATPase domain and together form a heterohexameric motor. pdNAD-MDH is a moonlighting protein that is also an enzyme playing a crucial role in conversion of malate to ...
L. et al. YC-1 inhibits HIF-1 expression in prostate cancer cells: contribution of Akt/NF-kappa B signaling to HIF-1 alpha accumulation during hypoxia. Oncogene 26, 3941–3951 (2007). 28. Buckley, D. L. et al. Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Interaction between the E3 Ligase VHL ...
YT521-B homology domain family member 2 (YTHDF2) is an N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-binding protein that was originally found to regulate the stability of mRNA. Growing evidence has shown that YTHDF2 can participate in multifarious bioprocesses, including embryonic development, immune response, and tu...
The plastid-encoded Tic214(YCF1)/YCF2/FtsHi complex emerged early in chlorophyte evolution, too, maybe through the duplication of an early Tic20-like protein (Wunder et al., 2007, Kikuchi et al., 2018). The components of this complex are highly diverse, except for a C-terminal motif, ...
folding and isolation processes of eEF2 [20]. Furthermore, crystal structure comparisons reveal gross conformational changes in eEF2 upon binding to ribosomes. Within each super-domain grouping, the second super-domain is observed to exhibit a hinge-like motion, which induces a ratchet-like ...
binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (siglecs) expressed by immune cells to produce signals that negatively regulate the immune system [111]. Similar to the immune checkpoint receptor programmed cell death 1 (PD-1), most siglecs contain a cytosolic immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)...
2.1.3. Basal-Like In contrast with HER2 and ER-positive breast carcinomas, basal-like breast tumors are characterized by a gene-expression profile that is similar to that of the basal-myoepithelial layer of the normal breast along, with the absence of HER2 overexpression and the absence or ...
The ANK motif is known to be par- ticularly enriched in eukaryotes and within specific eukaryote pathogens (including bacteria and viruses) that use ANK-like proteins to mimic their host counterparts and proceed with the infectious processes15. The origin of non-eukaryote ANK-like proteins has ...
However, in diet-induced obese rats, GSTYc2 subunit, GST8, and GSTP subunits were found to be downregulated [253]. Upregulation of GSTA2 may participate in CA and CS-inhibited adipocyte differentiation [237]. The thioredoxins system and adipocyte differentiation The Trxs system is ...
While YcgC of E. coli was proposed to be a KDAC (135), this was found to be incorrect (136). Further suggesting that CobB is the sole known deacetylase in E. coli, a ΔcobB mutant showed almost no deacetylase activity against an acetylated peptide library (48). Depending on the ...