This study's main goals included determining if recombinant protein secretion inK. phaffiiis possible under conditions of almost zero growth. To assess secretion rates and product quality, supernatants and filtrate samples from chemostat and retentostat cultures were analyzed by microfluidic electrophoresis...
Gel electrophoresis equipment View chapterExplore book Purification and Composition of Plant Viruses Roger Hull, in Matthews' Plant Virology (Fourth Edition), 2002 d. Chromatography Chromatographic procedures have occasionally been used to give an effective purification step for partially purified preparations...
This study's main goals included determining if recombinant protein secretion inK. phaffiiis possible under conditions of almost zero growth. To assess secretion rates and product quality, supernatants and filtrate samples from chemostat and retentostat cultures were analyzed by microfluidic electrophoresis...
2003. Proteomic comparison between human young and old brains by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identification of proteins. Int J Dev Neurosci 21: 209–216. Connor JR, Snyder BS, Arosio P, Loeffler DA, LeWitt P. 1995. A quantitative analysis of isoferritins in select regions of aged...
Assess sample purity by SDS-PAGEgel electrophoresis, and the protein concentration by absorbance spectroscopy (A280). Pool the most concentrated fractions. 16. Buffer-exchange 2.5mL protein into 1×PBSusing a PD-10 desalting column. Centrifuge the eluted protein (25,000×gat 4°C for 30min)...
Blood and Blood Diseases Heart Health Quest Protein C Antigen Total Test Test Code:4948 Specimen Type:Blood Description: Protein C Antigen Total Test This test measuresProtein C Antigenin the blood. Protein C is one of 2 proteins that work together to regulate the formation ofblood clots. Prote...
Expression and purification The α- and β-chains of human clusterin were cloned by amplifying the clusterin cDNA from total cDNA of IMR32 human neuroblastoma cells. The forward (FP) and reverse primers (RP) used for cloning the α-chain of clusterin are: FP-GGG AAT TCC ATA TGG ACC AGA...
There are also several parameters describing the gel itself (for example, percent acrylamide in the mix, the solubilisation buffer and stain used, a measure of the total protein on the gel, the in-gel digest). Mass spectrometry (shown in orange). Details about the makeup of the mass ...
The purity of all proteins was assessed by using sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and western blotting (WB), as described in Majeed et al.16. Assessing the protein oligomeric state using size exclusion chromatography We used size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to assess the ...
“Methods” section). Agarose gel electrophoresis and dynamic light scattering (DLS) confirmed the successful protein modification, and UV-vis analyses indicated about 6‒7 ssDNAs were attached per ferritin (Supplementary Figs.4‒6). The ssDNA-grafted proteins were mixed with Octa frame, which ...