These data provide the first direct evidence for a causal relationship between neuronal activity and TSPO levels in the CNS. The fact that these effects involved increases in TSPO mRNA further implies de-novo synthesis of TSPO in response to neuronal stimulation. Moreover, neuronal activation up...
protein activity, stability, and localization across cellular compartments5, which are sources of dynamic regulation in cells. Some examples of transient protein interactions are the phosphorylation-dependent function of starch branching enzyme IIa (SBEIIa) in wheat, whereby the active form of SBEIIa i...
In agreement with these reports in macrophages, we demonstrated that the induction of CEBPD by hypoxia or IL-1β, and subsequent expression of HIF-1α, required NF-κB activity. In addition, CEBPD overexpression partially rescued HIF-1α protein synthesis under NF-κB inhibition, indicating that...
Synthesis, in vitro activity, and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship of novel hydrazine inhibitors of human vascular adhesion p... T. Synthesis, in vitro activity, and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship of novel hydrazine inhibitors of human vascular ...
equation (3) is that the protein activity of the target proteinnat the next timet+1 is contributed by the present protein activity, plus the regulatory interactions withMinteractive proteins, plus the translation effect from mRNA, minus the protein degradation of the present state, plus basal pro...
Therefore, we investigated whether the protein synthesis machinery that is regulated by mTORC1 (mTOR complex 1) signaling can in turn regulate mTORC1 activity. We found that inhibition of protein synthesis results in rapid activation of mTORC1 signaling, thereby uncovering a feedback loop between ...
In mutated CEBPA, which occurs in up to 14% of AML, the synthesis of the 42 kDa protein is impaired and the expression of the 30 kDa protein is preserved, conferring a differentiation block during myeloid maturation [114–117]. There are two main types of CEBPA mutations: an...
we confirmed that His-SMO and GFP-SMO-193a.a. directly interacted with each other (Fig.5b). In SMO-193a.a.-mCherry overexpressed 387 CSC, the colocalization of SMO and SMO-193a.a. was also validated (Fig.5c). These data demonstrated that SMO-193a.a. regulated SMO activity via dir...
(a proxy for replication). Expression ofAllochromatium tepidumstrain NZ DUF6516 toxin resulted in a decrease in efficiency of35S methionine incorporation (Fig.4e), indicative of the inhibition of protein synthesis. We propose that the effect could be mediated by the yet-unproven RNase activity of ...
JUN proteins can both homo- and hetero-dimerize, whereas FOS proteins only form hetero-dimers, which, particularly for JUN/FOS, are more stable and have greater transcriptional activity [9,10]. Intriguingly, c-FOS and FOSB contain transcriptional activation domains which are lacking in FRA-1 and...