and is at least partly responsible for the obesity epidemic seizing the Western world. (News, no doubt, to the legions of body-builders downing whey protein shakes and chicken breasts while chiseling away their body fat!)
One of the main market drivers is the expanding use of protein concentrates in products such as cheese, biscuits, cereals, flavored shakes, and drinks. The need for these downstream protein concentrate products is expected to increase throughout the projected period. 5. Conclusion Protein ...
But all of my thyroid clients [and me] can only lose weight on carb-restricted regimens, and some don’t even get results until they push it quite low, either at or near ketosis [and carb-rich isocaloric diets do not work, so it’s not a question of calorie reduction]. I have a ...
Hi there atkins diet is no good try i am on this diet which is shakes etc and in 4 days have lost half a stone so far and in ketone stasis hope this helps Al says: September 3, 2011 at 8:45 pm Hi Elaine and others, Do check this out: http://getting...
Likewise, protein—at least until this study came out and ignited terror in omnivorous hearts near and far—has been the only macronutrientnotdemonized by any popular diets or mainstream health authorities. Fat and carbs have received more than their fair share of bashing over the years, but pro...