proteins with extremely high purity. When the highest purity is needed, this technique can be used as the first (capture) step in a multistep purification procedure. It is also suitable for purifying dual-tagged proteins with a histidine-tag at one end and a different tag at the other en...
The number of histidine residues in a poly-his-tag can affect the binding of the tagged protein to the affnity resin and elution of the protein off the affinity column. Usually, a hexa-his-tag is sufficient for affinity purification and antibody detection. However, sometime, 7-10-histidines...
High-yield, high-purity, medium-scale purification of 6xHis-Tagged protein. More than 4 grams of over-expressed 6xHis-GFP were purified in 3 hours using 200 mL columns containing HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Agarose or Qiagen Ni-NTA Superflow. One liter of...
His-tagged protein purification by metal-chelate affinity extraction with nickel-chelate reverse mi- celles. Biotechnol Prog. 2010;26(4):1088-94. PubMed PMID: 20730766.His‐tagged protein purification by metal‐chelate affinity extraction with nickel‐chelate reverse micelles[J] . Xiao‐YanDong,Xu...
Efficient purification is crucial to providing large quantities of recombinant therapeutic proteins, such as monoclonal antibodies and cytokines. However, affinity techniques for manufacturing protein therapeutics that use biomolecule-conjugated agarose beads that harness specific biomolecular interactions suffer fro...
HisTrap HP prepacked columns provide a fast, convenient and reproducible format for preparative purification of histidine-tagged (His-tag) recombinant proteins. High resolution: due to small bead size (average bead size is 34 µm) High binding capacity: at least 40 mg His tag protein per mL...
For protein purification, pellets were resuspended in 13 ml Lysis buffer (50 mM TRIS pH 7.7, 500 mM NaCl, 1% Igepal, 2.5 mg/ml Lysozyme, 0.1 mg/ml DNase I), incubated for at least 15 min and sonicated to ensure cell lysis. Afterwards, lysates were spun down again for...
内毒素Less than 0.1 EU/μg of Protein A/G,His as determined by LAL method. 复溶Dissolve in distilled water or saline. SpecificityThe extended Fc-binding properties of Protein A/G make it a popular tool in the investigation and purification of immunoglobulins.Protein A/G binds to all human...
(such as His-tag, calmodulin-binding peptide (CBP), and FLAG), there is no need for the removal of tag sequence afterpurification(Waugh, 2011). As a remarkable added advantage, some non-interfering tags may have several beneficial impacts on the properties and efficacy of therecombinant ...
1、1 Protein purification 2014-09-25 2 Hemoglobin 血红蛋白 /wiki/Hemoglobin Two subunits of 141 residues and two subunits of 146 residues. 3 Myoglobin: O2 storage Hemoglobin: O2 transportation 4 Y = pO2n pO2n + P50n n=1, hyperbolic curve; Single or independent binding; n1, sigmoidal c ...