蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(protein-protein interaction,PPI)是指两个或两个以上的蛋白质分子通过非共价键形成蛋白质复合体(protein complex)的过程。研究蛋白之间的相互作用网络,有助于挖掘核心的调控基因,目前已经有很多的蛋白质相互作用的数据库,在这里,...
根据数据类型,ppi预测方法分类为:genomic data, protein sequence, protein structure, PPI networks, gene expression, and annotations of gene function, localization, and process。基于genomic data数据分析conserved operon structure, fusion domains, phylogenetic profiles, and interologs。 很多研究基于蛋白质序列预...
二、Protein-Protein Interactions蛋白质相互作用(也就是蛋白质和蛋白质之间的相互作用ppi) 在这里我们使用的软件是biogrid Database of Protein, Chemical, and Genetic Interactions 在这里我们输入我们要检测的蛋白质的名称,所属的组织是什么组织就可以了 结果展示 点击network之后,会出现关于这个基因与其他基因之间的...
Synonyms Protein interaction network ; Protein physical interaction network Definition A protein-protein interaction (PPI) network is a network or graph representation of physical interactions between protein pairs in an organism. In the network, each node/vertex represents a protein and each edge/link...
In a PPI network, the proteins are nodes and molecular interactions between them are edges. Definition 1 (Protein-Protein-Interaction Network). A set of proteins P forms a PPI network G={P,T} by virtue of the physical interactions among the protein molecules in P due to various biochemical...
However, over- dependence on PPI network topologies has the drawbacks (1) the network is incomplete and contains a certain level of noise so that the shortest paths are inaccurate; (2) the shortest path algorithm cannot tackle the signaling feedback loops and the cross-talks between signaling ...
Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Networks Network Community Structure Community Detection Network Growing Biological Networks Biological Networks Modeling biological systems Genetic networks Gene association and expression Protein networks Protein structure and interactions ...
Xiaoqing Peng received the PhD degree in Computer Science, Central South University, China in 2016. She is currently a lecturer in Bioinformatics at Central South University, China. Her research interests include genomic data analysis, dynamic protein network construction, and systems biology. ...
interaction between two proteins. Aprotein interaction networkprovides a context within which functions of unannotated proteins could be predicted from the available functions possessed by other proteins in the protein interaction network. Actually, to effectively predict functions from PPI networks, ...
揭示PPI网络中的社团结构,对于理解其复杂相互作用的结构和动态特征,了解活体细胞的结构和功能都有很大作用。 Detecting community structure in protein-protein interaction network can help to understand its ...