Protein-Protein interaction network 夏夏 生物信息学6 人赞同了该文章 实验得到数据后,要验证结果并提高总体交互连接的质量,有很多方法用于分析PPI datasets 1:评估数据集的质量 计算数据集的false discovery rate (FDR )。主要策略:通过多种方法验证检测到的interaction,与文献中获取的interaction作比较。 2:计算方法...
Protein-Protein interaction interface database (PPIIDB) is developing on the basis of cellular and biological processes of protein-protein interaction interfaces of protein network. PPIIDB is collection of dataset of PPII of Breast cancer of Homosapience which developed on the basis of various paramet...
Database of Protein, Chemical, and Genetic Interactions 在这里我们输入我们要检测的蛋白质的名称,所属的组织是什么组织就可以了 结果展示 点击network之后,会出现关于这个基因与其他基因之间的相互关系 点击interaction之后,可以看到这些基因与BRCA2这个基因之间的交互关系,或者可以说是影响力有多少 之后我们将这个网络...
The BP-protein interactome was reconstructed from the PICKLE PPI meta-database, extending the GWAS-deduced network with the shortest paths connecting all GWAS-proteins into one component. The shortest-path intermediates were considered as BP-related. For protein prioritization, we combined a new ...
Bader GD, Hogue CWV (2003) An automated method for finding molecular complexes in large protein interaction networks. BMC Bioinformatics 4:2 PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Bader GD, Betel BD, Hogue CWV (2003) BIND: the biomolecular interaction network database. Nucleic Acids Res 31:248...
1. DIP (database of interacting proteins)在页面点击 Search by:[protein] [sequence] [motif] [article] [pathBLAST] 选项。如果搜索配体-受体相互作用,进入DLRP。 经实验证实的PPI,高度可信 2. BIND (biomolecular interaction network database) ...
Although protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks have been explored by various experimental methods, the maps so built are still limited in coverage and accuracy. To further expand the PPI network and to extract more accurate information from existing maps, studies have been carried out to integr...
Although biologists have revealed many protein interactions, few have been integrated in a database structure. Interaction databases fulfill various needs: first, the interaction database provides a centralized data repository allowing users to Update Since submission of this review another large dataset ...
(2005) developed the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND), which archives biomolecular interaction, reaction, complex, and pathway information. BIND aims to curate the details about molecular interactions that arise from published experimental research and to provide this information to ...
ComPPI: a cellular compartment-specific database for protein-protein interaction network analysis. Here we present ComPPI, a cellular compartment-specific database of proteins and their interactions enabling an extensive, compartmentalized protein-protei... DV Veres,DM Gyurkó,T Benedek,... - 《...