The heterotrimeric G proteins are critical for signal transduction and function in numerous biological processes including vegetative growth, asexual development and fungal virulence in fungi. Here, we identified four G protein alpha subunits (GanA, GpaB
3. Ca3t.abCoaltiacbAolcictiAonctioofnGofluGclouccoorctoirctoiciodisdisninththeeMMyyooffiibbrriillllaarrCCoommpparatrmtmenetnt Muscle fibers and myofibrils of glucocorticoid-caused myopathic glycolytic muscle are thinner in cMomupscalreisfoinbewristhanthde cmonytorfoilbgrriolsupofagndludcioscaopr...
In L. amazonensis, Western blotting assays using cell extracts from promastigotes and amastigote-like forms indicated that LaEIF4E1 is expressed more in amastigotes [79]. This higher expression was postulated to be due to an element found within the 3 UTR of the LmEIF4E1 mRNA that is similar...