2023年12月20日,来自荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Dolf Weijers团队在《细胞》杂志上发表了标题为“RAF-like protein kinases mediate a deeply conserved, rapid auxin response.”的研究成果,研究发现RAF样蛋白激酶介导一种高度保守的快速生长素反应。 据介绍,植物信号分子生长素触发陆地植物和藻类的快速和慢速细胞反应。核生长素...
In this study, through a screening of specific inhibitors for the blue light-dependent H+-ATPase phosphorylation in guard cells, we identified a Raf-like protein kinase,BLUE LIGHT-DEPENDENTH+-ATPASEPHOSPHORYLATION (BHP). Guard cells in thebhpmutant showed impairments of stomatal opening and H+-...
The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a major role in abiotic stress responses in plants, and subclass III SNF1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) kinases mediate ABA signaling. In this study, we identified Raf36, a group C Raf-like protein kinase in Arabidopsis , as a protein that int...
A mutagenesis screening for ABA-insensitiveP. patensmutants revealed that a mutation in a Raf-like protein kinase cause reduced ABA sensitivity and osmotic stress tolerance50. The authors named this Raf-like protein ARK (ABA and abiotic stress-responsive Raf-like kinase). ARK is a single gene f...
Purified human CFU-Es were examined for Raf-1 message and protein. Total RNA was extracted, and raf-1 mRNA was detected on Northern blots. Furthermore, a 74 kD protein, corresponding to Raf-1, was also detected in CFU-Es purified from human adult sources. Together, these studies support ...
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)ascades play importantoles in plantesponseso various environmentaltimuli, includingighaltr drought levels.rabidopsisAP3K54 with PAS (periodircadian protein,rylhydrocarboneceptor nucleartranslocator proteinndingle-minded protein) domain isnefheaf-typeAPKKKs whoseunction...
Raf-like protein kinases are divided into four B and seven C subgroups [20]. B1 subgroup contains four members, B2 and B3 comprise on six members, and B4 have seven members [27] In the Arabidopsis thaliana, Raf-like Kinase, Enhanced Disease Resistance 1 (EDR1) and Constitutive Triple ...
Erratum to: The Role of Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein in Rheumatoid Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes Invasiveness and Cytokine and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression doi:10.1007/s10753-011-9351-3KINASE inhibitorsRHEUMATOID arthritisFIBROBLASTSCYTOKINESMETALLOPROTEINASESINFLAMMATIONInflammationAhn, Joo...
The proteins were immunoprecipitated using an anti-GFP antibody and the kinase activity was detected by analyzing their phosphorylation of maltose-binding protein (MaBP) tag-fused OsMPK6K96R (MaBP-OsMPK6K96R; the kinase-inactive version of OsMPK6) with the anti-pTEpY antibody, which ...
Mammalian Ste20-like Kinase (Mst2) Indirectly Supports Raf-1/ERK Pathway Activity via Maintenance of Protein Phosphatase-2A Catalytic Subunit Levels and Co... Kilili GK, Kyriakis JM: Mammalian Ste20-like kinase (Mst2) indirectly supports Raf-1/ERK pathway activity via maintenance of protein ...