Database of Protein, Chemical, and Genetic Interactions 在这里我们输入我们要检测的蛋白质的名称,所属的组织是什么组织就可以了 结果展示 点击network之后,会出现关于这个基因与其他基因之间的相互关系 点击interaction之后,可以看到这些基因与BRCA2这个基因之间的交互关系,或者可以说是影响力有多少 之后我们将这个网络...
PPI(protein-protein interaction) realated database 与蛋白对相关的数据库简介合集,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
AxCell Biosciences has developed true high throughput in vitro protein interaction analysis. Highly parallel peptide synthesis is an important and integral part of this process, along with protein expression and high throughput screening (HTS). Through a formal partnership with the bioinformatics software...
Protein–protein interaction networks have a crucial role in biological processes. Proteins perform multiple functions in forming physical and functional interactions in cellular systems. Information concerning an enormous number of protein interactions in a wide range of species has accumulated and has been...
Protein-Protein interaction interface database (PPIIDB) is developing on the basis of cellular and biological processes of protein-protein interaction interfaces of protein network. PPIIDB is collection of dataset of PPII of Breast cancer of Homosapience which developed on the basis of various paramet...
根据数据类型,ppi预测方法分类为:genomic data, protein sequence, protein structure, PPI networks, gene expression, and annotations of gene function, localization, and process。基于genomic data数据分析conserved operon structure, fusion domains, phylogenetic profiles, and interologs。 很多研究基于蛋白质序列预...
Interaction experiments: How protein interactions are defined and measuredlarsjuhljensen 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多52 -- 5:55 App The STRING database: Protein networks and how they are made 8 -- 5:45 App Arena3D: Browser-based 3D layout of multilayer networks 26 -- ...
3.BioGRID (database of protein and genetic interaction)首页可直接search。 4. I2D http://ophid.utoronto.ca或 有相互作用网络图 这个试过,写详细些。例如查NF-κB,需要先查到其正式名称,如其一个亚基为nuclear factor NF-kapp...
Protein interaction databases ideally should accommodate the full range of protein functions and interactions observed in biology. Protein interactions fall into three functional categories: metabolic and signaling (genetic) pathways; morphogenic pathways in which groups of proteins participate in the same ce...
Despite the abundance of protein-protein interaction databases currently available online, a source that identifies and lists similar interactions in different species is lacking. TheHomologousInteractions (HINT) database is such a collection of protein-protein interactions and their homologs in one or mo...