PPI Protein-proteinInteraction 在OntoProtein和BioBridge,KeAP中都做了这个实验,一开始感觉很难理解所以专门去看了一些文献。 STRING数据集,使用GNN学习Protein-protein Interaction Learning Unknown from Correlations: Graph Neural Network for Inter-novel-protein Interaction Prediction 贡献1 提出一种方法去分割数据集,...
The STRING database (http://string-db.org/) aims to provide such a global perspective for as many organisms as feasible. Known and predicted associations are scored and integrated, resulting in comprehensive protein networks covering > 1100 organisms. Here, we describe the update...
Our study highlights the usefulness of the STRINGprotein databasefor studyingprotein-protein interactions. The STRING database can collect and integrate data about known and predicted protein-protein associations from many organisms, including both direct (physical) and indirect (functional) interactions...
STRINGv10proteinproteininteractionnetworksintegratedoverthetreeoflife 系统标签: proteinstringinteractionnetworksintegratedlife Publishedonline28October2014NucleicAcidsResearch,2015,Vol.43,DatabaseissueD447–D452doi:10.1093/nar/gku1003STRINGv10:protein–proteininteractionnetworks,integratedoverthetreeoflifeDamianSzklarc...
The protein–protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed with the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes (STRING) database (https://string-db.org) with a minimum interaction confidence score of 0.4. To further investigate the interplay between circulating protein levels, we carried...
The STRING database aims to integrate all known and predicted associations between proteins, including both physical interactions as well as functional associations. To achieve this, STRING collects and scores evidence from a number of sources: (i) automated text mining of the scientific literature, ...
Here, we introduce Viruses.STRING, a protein–protein interaction database specifically catering to virus–virus and virus–host interactions. This database combines evidence from experimental and text-mining channels to provide combined probabilities for interactions between viral and host proteins. The ...
We used the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins database (STRING v10.5)45to construct the PPI network associated with HUD. Given a list of the proteins as input, STRING can search for their neighbor interactors, the proteins that have direct interactions with the inputted...
PPI(protein-protein interaction) realated database 与蛋白对相关的数据库简介合集,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) is essential to most biological processes. Abnormal interactions may have implications in a number of neurological syndromes. Given that the association and dissociation of protein molecules is crucial, computational too