The invention provides a method for determining a genetic predisposition to prostate cancer in a male human subject. In one aspect, the method comprises determining whether the subject has the genotype GG of refSNP rs125555, where the genotype GG of refSNP rs125555 indicates that the subject is...
The risk of developing prostate cancer may soon be more accurately predicted after a recent analysis of the disease’s genetic biomarkers. In a study published September 16, 2014, inNature Genetics, researchers from Australia examined more than 10 million genetic markers in a sample of 80,000 me...
Researchers believe that genetics and traditional screening methods could play a role in predicting the risk of prostate cancer in younger men. "This is a potential opportunity to combine PSA testing withgenetic markersto determine who has significant prostate cancer. It could be a combination of ag...
Genetic markers useful for distinguishing between organ-confined and locally advanced prostate cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2003; 36 :303–312.L.W. Chu, P. Troncoso, D.A. Johnston and J.C. Liang: Genetic markers useful for distinguishing between organ- confined and locally advanced ...
Genetic markers, also called alleles, occupy a specific position on a chromosome. The alleles linked to the aggressive prostate cancer found by Northwestern and other labs over the past year are located on the long arm of chromosome 8.
The invention provides a method for determining a genetic predisposition to prostate cancer in a male human subject. In one aspect, the method comprises determining whether the subject has the genotype GG of refSNP rs125555, where the genotype GG of refSNP rs125555 indicates that the subject is...
PCA3 : A Genetic Marker of Prostate CancerTorres, Alejandra BMarks, Leonard S
Cancer is caused by a combination of genetic alterations and gross changes to the epigenetic landscape that together result in aberrant cancer gene regulation. Therefore, we need to fully sequence both the cancer genome and the matching cancer epigenomes before we can fully integrate the suite of ...
In 1936 prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) became the key serum marker for monitoring prostate cancer (PCa) treatment (1–3). Approximately 50 yr later, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) emerged as the most useful serum marker for PCa management followed a f
Prostatecancerantigen3andgeneticriskscoreas markersforthedetectionofprostatecancerinthe ^ l 0 ■ 0 0 nIneSepopuIation Han—MinWei’ ,Hai—TaoChen, ,PingWang',Yi—ShuoWu。,RongNa,FangLiu'',Ji—ShanSun, De—KeJiang,Da—RuLu,JianfengXu’ ...