I met the same problem when I run funannotate train with SRA reads download from NCBI. Open ERROR: FASTQ headers are not properly paired, see logfile and reformat your FASTQ headers I used following command to fastq-dump sra files fastq-dump --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --split-fi...
sharing issue arising from troubleshooting with @jeanzzhao tl;dr: Grist initial read processing is (silently) incorrect for samples that use .1 or .2 in read names (we assume this is used for paired end information). I'm not sure what is...
But I get the same error when I try the to filter the bam file using blobtools bamfilter \ -b /db/ana/programs/blobology/trinity_petrosia_complete_short_names.fasta.readsname.bowtie2.bam \ -i petrosia_tokeep2.txt I would like to point out that I did not use paired end data, may...