The importance of the pronated grip x-ray view in evaluating ulnar variance. Effects of Pronated and Supinated Foot Postures on Static and Dynamic Postural Stability Function of the windlass mechanism in excessively pronated feet. Obesity and pronated foot type may increase the risk of chronic plan...
which means they may fail before your bigger, stronger lats. Switching to a reverse or supinated grip may mean you can pump out more reps or use a heavier weight, working your lats harder in the process. However, some people find that this variation leads to more elbow and biceps tendon...
Lots of lifters use a more conventional pronated grip for this exercise. That's fine, and you'll target the big back muscles you're hoping to holding the bar that way. If you flip your orientation to a supinated grip, however, you'll involve your biceps more for the movement. You'...