PressEnterto submit the command and allow it to take effect. Project Zomboid Server Commands Project Zomboid Cheat Commands additem [Username] [Item] [Amount]- Give an item to a specific player.addvehicle [Vehicle] [Username/coordinates]- Spawn a vehicle.addxp [Username] [Perkname]=[Level]-...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 17e2758d9293d3839d25648375dc4f41f23a477e · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
Project Zomboid is challenging and not for the faint of heart, yet those who follow certain general guidelines can raise their chances of survival.While surviving the blocky biomes of Minecraft is relatively easy, enduring the harsh apocalypse of Project Zomboid is not. This survival indie game is...
ProjectZomboid exe prints any exception after running the main() method. Fixed an exception with footstep sounds when the player was falling. Fixed lighting flashes not working when shaders were turned off. Fixed clicked-on worn clothing not being used by a recipe. Fixed a number of issues wi...
ZomboidRadio addChannelName(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class addCharacter(IsoZombie) - Method in class zombie.characters.BaseZombieSoundManager addCharacter(IsoZombie) - Method in class zombie.characters.ZombieVocalsManager addCharacterOnFire(IsoGameCharacter) -...
CarSpawnRate - Variable in class zombie.SandboxOptions Cataplasm - Enum constant in enum class CatchACold - Variable in class zombie.characters.BodyDamage.BodyDamage CatchAColdDecreaseRate - Static variable in class zombie.ZomboidGlobals CatchAColdIncreaseRate - ...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 101a24f42ff000305cfd3e8e461db8f49e19b1e2 · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
ItemPickerJava tryCastTo(I, Class<R>) - Static method in class zombie.util.Type Returns the supplied object, cast to the specified Type, or NULL if it is not the right type. tryDeleteFile(String) - Method in class zombie.ZomboidFileSystem tryGetCallerTraceElement(int) - Static method in...
ZomboidRadio HasItem(String) - Method in class zombie.characters.IsoGameCharacter hasItems(String, int) - Method in interface zombie.characters.ILuaGameCharacter hasItems(String, int) - Method in class zombie.characters.IsoGameCharacter hasLightbar() - Method in class zombie.vehicles.BaseVehicle ...
SpawnRegions.Profession Poison - Variable in class zombie.inventory.types.Food Poison - Variable in class zombie.scripting.objects.Item PoisonDetectionLevel - Variable in class zombie.scripting.objects.Item PoisonHealthReduction - Static variable in class zombie.ZomboidGlobals PoisonLevelDecrease - Static ...