1. 将压缩文件解压到【C:\Users\用户名\Zomboid\Workshop\】2. 将压缩文件解压到游戏目录下的 Workshop,即【ProjectZombie\Workshop\】3. 将压缩文件中的【Contens\mods\LSpawn\media\lua\client】替换游戏的【ProjectZombie\media\lua\client】,将压缩文件中的【Contens\mods\LSpawn\media\lua\shared\Translate...
Project Zomboid has two different kinds of spawn point options, fixed and custom choices. A fixed spawn point will force all players to spawn there when they first log in to the server or respawn without giving them a choice of where to spawn. Custom spawn choices are the same as ...
Skip navigation links Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help Summary: Nested | Field | Constr | Method Detail: Field | Constr | Method SEARCH: Package zombie.network Class SpawnRegions java.lang.Object zombie.network.SpawnRegions public class SpawnRegions extends Object Nested Class Summary...