A Scrum project cannot succeed without a good product owner who must be decisive and possess not only the required responsibility mentioned, but also embedded with the mindset of the following: About Visual Paradigm Visual Paradigm help organizations stay competitive and responsive to change faster and...
"Scrum is not about just renaming people in your existing hierarchy," said Michael Lloyd, acertified Scrum Masterand Agile trainer at And Digital in Salford, U.K. For example, a Scrum team's product owner is a questionable choice to also be the project manager because the positions' priorit...
探寻解决的办法:Scrum是以Product backlog来驱动的,而PO就是这个backlog的拥有者。PO是一个站在客户及所有干系人(StakeHolder)的立场上做决策的人:要开发什么(What),什么时候开发(When,Prioritization)。一份backlog如果有多个“Owner”,而这些Owner又是平等关系时,往往不是个好主意,做决策时容易扯皮。那怎么办呢?
克服个人对Scrum变革的抵触,建立变革支持社区 探索和选择敏捷实践方法 领导自组织团队,掌握高效的Scrum迭代、计划和质量技巧 将Scrum扩展应用到分布式和多团队项目 使用Scrum处理复杂流程项目或有严格控制需求的挑战性项目 理解Scrum对人力资源、后勤和项目管理办公室(PMO)的影响 ...
Scrum Master und Product Owner führen gemeinsam Expertenteams ohne hierarchisch vorgesetzt zu sein. Dieses Spannungsfeld führt im Alltag immer wieder zu Konflikten, kann die beiden aber auch zu einem echten Team werden lassen, wenn sie einige Tipps beherzigen, die in diesem Kapitel gegeben...
在Scrum框架中,Product Owner是团队中的一个关键角色,负责管理产品的需求和优先级,以确保团队开发的...
In this course, Scrum Product Owner: Products and Scrum, you’ll learn what a product is and explore an outline for how products are managed when using the Scrum framework. First, you’ll explore competencies required for Scrum product ownership, and know the connection between this course, ...
产品负责人是Scrum团队的一员,因此,与Scrum Master一样,他们对团队的其他成员没有任何权力。尽管他们是Scrum团队与客户之间的主要联系,但他们确实扮演了至关重要的决策角色。 产品负责人代表产品的利益相关者行事,负责最大化最终产品的价值。ScrumMaster拥有该流程的地...
In our Scrum context, the Product Owner has total responsibility for their product. When they delegate their work they have to be mindful not to try and delegate their responsibilities. This means that we don’t create roles like “Assistant Product Owner” or “Chief Product Owner.” Instead...