最後, 我先利用SAS內建的%modstyle來設定輸出線條的顏色與樣式. PROC SGPLOT底下的第一行, 可使用step或series, 來指定x軸與y軸的輸出. 第二, 三行的scatter, 是在繪製censor的 ‘+’記號. xaxistable 可於x軸嵌入報表 (eg. number at risk的資訊); colorgroup則可讓這個報表, 依組別以不同顏色呈現. ...
/* 导入数据并执行group by语句 */ proc sql; create table grouped_data as select variable, group_by_variable, avg(value) as mean_value from dataset group by group_by_variable; quit; /* 创建图形 */ proc sgplot data=grouped_data; /* 设置x轴和y轴变量 */ xaxis variable; yaxis mean_...
sum(count) as total from (select state,gender,count(*) as count from fake group by state,gender) group by state order by total ; quit; proc sgplot data=counts; vbarparm category=state response=count/ group=gender groupdisplay=stack grouporder=ASCENDING ; /*xaxis display = none;*/ run...
gender='F'; else gender='M'; output; end; end; drop n repl; run; proc freq data=fake; tables gender*state / out=counts outpct; run; proc sort data=counts ; by gender ; run; proc sgplot data=counts; vbar state / response=count group=gender groupdisplay=stack ; xaxis display =...
set group_a group_a_stat group_b group_b_stat; run; /* * check GTL for individual graph */ proc sgplot data=group_combined tmplout="c:\temp\sgplot_gtl.sas"; vbox value_a / category=group_a; xaxistable value_a_n / x=group_a; run; ods graphics / width=1200 height=900; ods...
I apply the proc sgplot to put two PDF curves on one graph, like the code below: proc sgplot data=have;density var1 / legendlabel="var1" lineattrs=(pattern=solid);density var2 / legendlabel="var2" lineattrs=(pattern=dot);xaxis label="value";run; then, I try to add the me...
proc template; define statgraph sgplot; dynamic _ticklist_; begingraph / collation=binary; EntryTitle "Cars" /; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) x2axisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) xaxisopts=(discreteOpts=(sortOrder=ascendingFormatted)) xaxisopts=(type=Discrete discr...
proc template; define statgraph sgplot; dynamic _ticklist_; begingraph / collation=binary; EntryTitle "Cars" /; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) x2axisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) xaxisopts=(discreteOpts=(sortOrder=ascendingFormatted)) xaxisopts=(type=Discrete discret...
For example, in SGPLOT the syntax is xaxistable NumVisit x=Time class=Cohort; So you should run a DATA step to aggregate the visits and store the 4-week times and totals in new variables NumVisit4 and Time4 for each cohort. Add those variable to the data set that you are...
That would be one way to show below the axis rows of values aligned with the axis ticks. From the documentation here is a brief example of XAXISTABLE showing two tables and using a data set you should have available. proc sgplot data=sashelp.class (where=(age ...