现在,PROC SGPLOT仅用于将模板写入文件tmp3.tmp。 proc sgplot data=c tmplout='tmp3.tmp';ods exclude sgplot;scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 这是文件。 proc template;define statgraph sgplot;dynamic __BYLINE__;begingraph / collation=binary;EntryTitle __BYLINE__ / textattrs=(size=Graph...
xaxistableNAtRisk/ x=XAtRiskclass=GROUP location=inside colorgroup=GROUP;inset"Gray's Test p-value:&GrayPvalue"/position = bottom; xaxisvalues= (0 to 60 by 12);styleattrsaxisbreak=SQUIGGLE; yaxisranges= (min-0.55 0.85-max)values= (0 to 1 by 0.1) ; keylegend 'c' / location=inside...
vline date / response=people y2axis lineattrs=(color=black thickness=3); xaxis display=(nolabel) /*fitpolicy=rotate valuesrotate=vertical*/ type=time /*interval=month*/; yaxis grid label='Label1' values=(0 to 800 by 100); y2axis label='Label2' values=(0 to 70 by 10); keylegen...
1proc sgplot data=mysas.mmstwo;2scatter x=wangnei y=wangjian/group=city;3run; 还可以加上xaxis and yaxis 选项 其参数有label type values.
EN#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <...
I'm trying to draw a bar graph using monthly data fromMarch2014 to Jan2024, but my x-axis minor tick values comes out all squashed. My code is as follows: proc sgplot data=INDIRECT_COSTS;vline OBS_DATE / response=Indirect_Cost_Perc;yaxis label="Indirect Cost%";xaxi...
xaxis label="生存时间(月)"values=(020406080100120) ; yaxis label="生存率(%)"; run; run; ods rtf close; 输出结果如下 显然是比系统自带输出的要好看很多。 免责声明:本文转载自SAS程序分享号号号,作者:setup,版权归原作者所有,仅供个人学习交流使用。转载请注明出处...
ods escapechar '~'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.class; vbox weight / category=sex; yaxis label="AUC~{Unicode '2097'x}~{Unicode '209B'x}~{Unicode '209C'x}(h*ng/ml)" labelattrs=(family="Times New Roman Uni"); run; 2 Likes Reply Ksharp Super User Re: How ...
odsgraphics on/width=7in height=4.5in maxlegendarea=60;proc sgplotdata=Longdattrmap=myattrmap;vbar date/response=Valuegroup=Sourcegroupdisplay=stack grouporder=data attrid=myid;xaxis type=time thresholdmin=0max=21100display=(nolabel);yaxis grid values=(0to7)GRIDATTRS=(color=...
I am wondering if there is any other possible way to display the values on the X axis in mutiline mode? Thanks! proc sgplot data = Ind_stat; xaxis type = discrete label = "ind" fitpolicy = staggerrotate display = (noticks); yaxis label = "# of Customers";vba...