sum(count) as total from (select state,gender,count(*) as count from fake group by state,gender) group by state order by total ; quit; proc sgplot data=counts; vbarparm category=state response=count/ group=gender groupdisplay=stack grouporder=ASCENDING ; /*xaxis display = none;*/ run...
sum(count) as total from (select state,gender,count(*) as count from fake group by state,gender) group by state order by total ; quit; proc sgplot data=counts; vbarparm category=state response=count/ group=gender groupdisplay=stack grouporder=ASCENDING ; /*xaxis display = none;*/ run...
我可以通过 达到想要的结果SGPLOT。 proc sgplot data=sashelp.heart; vbar Smoking_Status; title"Distribution of smoking_status from sashelp.heart dataset"; xaxis display=(nolabel)values=('Non-smoker''Light (1-5)''Moderate (6-15)''Heavy (16-25)''Very Heavy (> 25)'); run; Run Code On...
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;vbar age/response=weight;xaxis fitpolicy=none;run; 0 Likes Cynthia99 Fluorite | Level 6 Re: proc sgplot: xaxis display repeat tick value Posted 10-28-2021 11:11 PM (917 views) | In reply to Ksharp It not works. But I found that using option...
Note that the first graph because the width is kind of narrow that the xaxis labels get thinned but the other doesn't (at least on my display). ods graphics/ height=2in width=2in; proc sgplot data=sashelp.class; scatter x=height y=weight; xaxis values= (0 to 80 by 5); run; ...
proc template; define statgraph sgplot; dynamic _ticklist_; begingraph / collation=binary; EntryTitle "Cars" /; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) x2axisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) xaxisopts=(discreteOpts=(sortOrder=ascendingFormatted)) xaxisopts=(type=Discrete discret...
proc template; define statgraph sgplot; dynamic _ticklist_; begingraph / collation=binary; EntryTitle "Cars" /; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) x2axisopts=(labelFitPolicy=Split) xaxisopts=(discreteOpts=(sortOrder=ascendingFormatted)) xaxisopts=(type=Discrete discr...
proc format;value$src'Bakk'='Bakken (ND & MT)''Eagl'='Eagle Ford (TX)';run;odsgraphics on/width=7in height=4.5in maxlegendarea=60;proc sgplotdata=Longdattrmap=myattrmap;vbar date/response=Valuegroup=Sourcegroupdisplay=stack grouporder=data attrid=myid;xaxis type=time ...
proc sgplot data=Grafik; Title "Stabdiagramm der Variable: Geschlecht"; yaxis label="Absolute Häufigkeit"; xaxis label="Geschlecht der Studierenden"; vbar Geschlecht / barwidth=0.3; run; Thank you for the support! Daniel 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION DanH_sas SAS Super FREQ R...
set group_a group_a_stat group_b group_b_stat; run; /* * check GTL for individual graph */ proc sgplot data=group_combined tmplout="c:\temp\"; vbox value_a / category=group_a; xaxistable value_a_n / x=group_a; run; ods graphics / width=1200 height=900; ods...