T检验在SAS中用PROC TTEST过程步实现。 一、单样本与指定均值 根本语法: PROC TTESTdata =数据集H0 =mu0options; VARvariable; 说明:“H0=mu0〞,对变量的均值与指定均值mu0〔默认是H0=0〕,做T检验。原假设是μ=μ0. 二、两独立样本的均值 根本语法: PROC TTESTdata =数据集options; CLASSvariable; VAR...
proc means data=school maxdec=2 noprint nway; /*specifies that the output data set contain only statistics for the observations with the highest _TYPE_ and _WAY_ values*/ class teacher; class gender region; *两个变量都取0 1两个值,二进制。00 01 10 11; id t_Age; *id取对应变量的最大...
output语句:规定输出数据集以及要输出的变量 procmeans data=school maxdec=2noprintnway;/*specifies that the output data set contain only statistics for the observations with the highest _TYPE_ and _WAY_ values*/class teacher; class gender region;*两个变量都取0 1两个值,二进制。00 01 10 11;id...
I am trying to compare two independent group means using a t-test. The variable I am trying to compare between the two groups is difference in weight change six months after an intervention between two groups who underwent different interventions. Each individual has a baseline weight measurement...
在该程序中,第一个PROC语句是排序过程,第二个PROC语句是制图过程,第三个PROC语句是MEANS过程。GPLOT过程用来检验总体的正态性,MEANS过程用来做t检验。结果如下: Paired T-Test Read Independently - Read without CAD Analysis Variable : Y N Mean Std Error T Prob>|T| --- 10 0.0350000 0.0344561 1.01...
The output from the macro is similar to PROC MEANS type output with the addition of the median, mode, the paired t-test p-value, the Wilcoxon signed rank (WSR) p-value, and the normality p-value. Labels can be used describing the variables, as well as "by" variables with formats. ...
PROC UNIVARIATE除了可以像proc means 计算常见的median,mean,min,max等,还可以用来进行正态性的判断,还能实现Wilcoxon。总之可以这个过程步可以实现的功能很多: 一: 我们先讲讲如何通过PROC UNIVARIATE实现正态性检验,有些项目试验组与对照组的比较中,数据首先要满足正态性,然后才能用成组T检验或者配对T检验,不满足正...
PROC TTEST <options> ; #调用Ttest过程 CLASS variable ; #两样本比较时,指定分组变量 PAIRED variables ; (例:paired x1*x2;)#进行配对t检验 VAR variables </ options> ; #指定数值型分析变量 1)进行配对资料比较时,可利用各对子的差值d与零均数进行比较来实现的。因此对于差值变量d,可采用Means过程,Univ...