$ cnpm install hexo-prism-plugin --save $ cnpm i -S hexo-prism-plugin //使用此写法也可以实现安装 $ hexo clean && hexo generate && hexo server hexo根目录下_config.yml文件下的配置情况: highlight: enable: false prism_plugin: mode: 'preprocess' # realtime/preprocess theme: 'default' line...
hexo-prism-plugin不支持大括号显示修复 今天把hexo自带的代码高亮插件换成了hexo-prism-plugin。 三连后发现Json里的大括号都被转成数字如图(即使用npm直接安装的话版本为2.3.0均会存在这个问题。),在网上搜了一圈没找到解决方法。 最后调试后发现node_modules/hexo-prism-plugin/src/index.js文件中map里未支持大...
一、问题的描述 “ERROR Plugin load failed: hexo-prism-plugin” $ hexo s ERROR Plugin load failed: hexo-prism-plugin Error: `prism_plugin` options should be added to _config.yml file at E:\hexo\node_modules\hexo-prism-plugin\src\index.js:70:9 at E:\hexo\node_modules\hexo\lib\hexo\i...
prism_plugin:mode:'preprocess'#realtime/preprocesstheme:'default'line_number:false#default falsecustom_css:'path/to/your/custom.css'#optional After that, checkhighlightoption in_config.yml. Make sure that default code highlight plugin is disabled. ...
The Popups plugin provides an extremely lightweight framework for implementing Popup Pages using the Rg.Plugin.Popup package with Prism.Forms. To do this we simply provide you with some new implementations of both Prism's Navigation & Dialog Services. Note Install the Prism.Plugin.Popups NuGet ...
First, create the plugin and add it to thepluginsarray of your PluginsEditor: import Prism from 'prismjs'; import createPrismPlugin from 'draft-js-prism-plugin'; class MyEditor extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); ...
比如在Prism.Forms中只需构造函数添加接口作为参数就可以自动创建对象。 打包并测试 在安装Plugin for Xamarin Templates的时候其实已经安装了另外一个打包用的模板【Plugin for Xamarin NuSpec】,通过它可以快速打包。 1、添加Package配置文件【Speecher.Plugin.nuspec】 默认生成的文件如下,包含所有平台: <?xml version=...
Provides language support for Prismio, a modern programming language designed for maximum performance. Source Code. Documentation. License. What’s New: 0.0.2Logo Update and Fixes. 0.0.1Initial test release.
ThemesPlugin IdeasBuild PluginsSign InTools Integration PrismioUnify Get Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studio and 1 more Overview Versions ReviewsPlugin Versions Compatibility: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Channels: Stable Version Compatibility Range Update Date 2024 0.0.2 2023.3 ...