1.2 使用的安装方法 $ cnpm install hexo-prism-plugin --save $ cnpm i -S hexo-prism-plugin //使用此写法也可以实现安装 $ hexo clean && hexo generate && hexo server hexo根目录下_config.yml文件下的配置情况: highlight: enable: false prism_plugin: mode: 'preprocess' # realtime/preprocess th...
The initial purpose of this plugin is to be used with CSS Modules. It works perfectly with the class map object returned by CSS Modules. For example: import Prism from 'prismjs'; import classMap from 'styles/editor-class-map.css'; Prism.plugins.customClass.map(classMap) Note: This plugin...
The plugin’s JS code: (function () { if (typeof Prism === 'undefined' || typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/matches#Polyfill if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMat...
hexo-prism-plugin不支持大括号显示修复 今天把hexo自带的代码高亮插件换成了hexo-prism-plugin。 三连后发现Json里的大括号都被转成数字如图(即使用npm直接安装的话版本为2.3.0均会存在这个问题。),在网上搜了一圈没找到解决方法。 最后调试后发现node_modules/hexo-prism-plugin/src/index.js文件中map里未支持大...
1、安装Plugin for Xamarin Templates 2、从Plugin for Xamarin模板新建项目 整体项目结构: 通过模板创建的项目包含三类工程文件: Plugin.功能名(PCL):懒汉式实例创建文件,生成Plugin.功能名.dll。(共享类文件) Plugin.功能名.Abstractions(PCL):接口和Enums的定义,生成Plugin.功能名.Abstractions.dll。 Plugin.功能名...
The Popups plugin provides an extremely lightweight framework for implementing Popup Pages using the Rg.Plugin.Popup package with Prism.Forms. To do this we simply provide you with some new implementations of both Prism's Navigation & Dialog Services. Note Install the Prism.Plugin.Popups NuGet ...
Prism.Plugin.Popups Prism.Essentials (in Beta) Additional Containers Access to Discord Prism.Magician (coming soon) Visual Studio Extensions (coming soon) Commercial $299 per year / per developerBuy Now Commercial App Development Install vis NuGet.org ...
import prismjs from 'vite-plugin-prismjs'; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ prismjs({ languages: ['javascript', 'css', 'html', 'json', 'sass', 'scss', 'md', 'bash', 'shell', 'ts'], plugins: [ 'toolbar', 'show-language', ...
plugins: [prismPlugin] } } render() { return ( <PluginsEditor plugins={this.state.plugins} /> ) } } Now add alanguagekey to the data of the code block you want to highlight: //TODO: Somehow get a code block and its key, this is up to you ...
INFO Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000 . Press Ctrl+C to stop. INFO See you again 二、问题的解决 在博客目录下的配置文件中打开,将以下代码放在最后即可,重新启动生成部署。 prism_plugin: mode: 'preprocess' # realtime/preprocess theme: 'default' line_number: false # default false...