安装完毕后,打开 IDEA 的新建项目选项,此时已经可以看到 Minecraft 一栏了,我们勾选 Paper Plugin,然后点击 Next: 出现以下界面,并填写全部信息(GroupId 是组织名或者说开发者名, ArtifactId 是插件名, Version 是版本号),然后点击 Next。 在这个界面我们首先要在右边的 Minecraft Version 中选择好 Minecraft 版本,...
Pull requests Minecraft but made with SwiftUI. swift minecraft ios prism 3d 3d-graphics swiftui Updated Dec 19, 2022 Swift MurhafSousli / ngx-highlightjs Sponsor Star 282 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Angular syntax highlighting module syntax-highlighting gist angular prism code...
GPrismis a Bukkit plugin that tracks changes to a Minecraft world. These changes can be looked up, rolled back, restored, etc. There are also various anti-griefing tools. GPrism is a downstream fork of @viveleroi'sPrism-Bukkit, with various fixes and feature additions by a few GitHub con...
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+ "[LoginPlugin] This command can only be issued by a player!");else{if(args.length > 1)returnfalse;else{if(!user_data.containsKey(((Player) sender).getUniqueId())) { sender.sendMessage("[LoginPlugin] You have not registered. Please register first!"); ...
been using for more than a month to host my minecraft modpack (with over 450 mods) on a budget tier with 3 cores and 10gb of ram.Good price, great performance and great support, opened a ticket on their Discord a while ago and since then every question and small issue i had were ...
PristimPrism是一个专为Minecraft服务器设计的防悲情和回滚工具,旨在帮助玩家在游戏过程中避免过度沉浸于悲伤情绪。它通过一系列精心设计的功能,如自动播放音乐、设置提醒、提供心理辅导等,来帮助玩家保持心理健康,并确保他们在游戏过程中能够享受乐趣,而不是陷入无尽的悲伤之中。 PristimPrism的核心功能之一是自动播放...
set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_STRING "${Launcher_DisplayName}: A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once.") set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER "org.prismlauncher.${Launcher_Name}") set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION "${Launcher_VERSION_NAME...
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class MinecraftInstance : public BaseInstance { Q_OBJECT public: MinecraftInstance(SettingsObjectPtr globalSettings, SettingsObjectPtr settings, const QString& rootDir); virtual ~MinecraftInstance(){}; virtual ~MinecraftInstance() {}; virtual void saveNow() override...
注意,上面这段代码直接复制粘贴是无法正确运行的,因为里面的 player_list 和 if_logined 都是我自己定义的,如果你想实现类似的效果需要自己编写额外的代码。 [Minecraft 插件] 服务器插件开发教程(二)- 事件机制(下)
Watson is a Minecraft mod that displays LogBlock (and to a limited extent Prism and CoreProtect) logs in 3-D. It also has some features to make moderation tasks, such as observing chat and managing screenshots, a little easier. The current features of the mod are: ...