Global editionPrinciples of Marketingsixteenth editionPhilip Kotler • Gary Armstrong 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 14 p. 中国房地产:2025年一季度展望:二手房市场仍将表现最好;关注更多刺激措施 32 p. 碎银时代下的情绪红利-2024生活趋势洞察报告 54 p. AI时代的抉择——以“信”筑基,行稳“...
Principles of Marketing, Global Edition,19th edition Published by Pearson(April 19, 2023)© 2023 Philip KotlerNorthwestern University Gary ArmstrongUniversity of North Carolina Sridhar BalasubramanianUniversity of North Carolina Chapel Hill eTextbook
作者: DOWNLOAD 摘要: Outlines and Highlights for Marketing An Introduction by David Pickton, ISBN, Cram101 Textbook Reviews, 2010, Education, 226 pages. Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram...
J. (2008). Principle of Marketing 5th Edition. Pearson Education: Prentice Hall.Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2012). Principle of Marketing, 14th edition. New Jersey : Pearson Education Inc.Kotler, Philip, Armstrong, Gary. 2012. Principles of Marketing 1 4th Edition. Prentice Hall, New ...
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市场营销 原理与实践 第17版 Principles of Marketing/Kotler 菲利普科特勒 加里阿姆斯特朗 中国人民大学 市场营销学点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥53.00 (5.58折) 降价通知 定价¥95.00 暂无评分 0人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 菲利普·科特勒,加里·阿姆斯特朗 查看作品 出版 中国人民大学出版社,2024年07月 查看作品 ...
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The_Fundamentals_of_Marketing市场营销基本原理(值得下载收藏) 热度: Chapter 3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment 1) You are directed to study the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers-departments within the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer mark...