Methods We collected qualitative data from CMP patients ( n =90) and primary care physicians (PCPs) ( n =25) in a managed care system, and community acupuncture and chiropractic care providers ( n =14) who received high levels of referrals from the system, in the context of a ...
The American Academy of Family Physicians has concluded there is insufficient evidence regarding screening or interventions and offers a list of steps for preventing child maltreatment.28 The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends pediatrician involvement in preventing child maltreatment “throu...
He has Fellowships from the Royal College of Physicians in both London and Edinburgh and the Royal College of General Practitioners. He has editorial experience of working with a number of journals, including the BMJ (editorial advisor, Primary Care editorial advisor) and PLOS Medicine (section ...
UAIHC was designed to embody integrative philosophies and an integrative care delivery model. In addition to the two fulltime University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) IM fellowship-trained primary care physicians, practitioners included a chiropractor, 1–2 acupuncturists, a ...
2 However, use of medications for breast cancer risk reduction is low in clinical practice7-9 because of women’s concerns about adverse effects and beliefs that benefits are not worth the harms,3 difficulty in identifying candidates for therapy, and primary care physicians’ unfamiliarity with ...
Many pulmonary physicians (most of whom have industry funding) are optimistic that the early detection of mild COPD will become important20,32. However, a recent review of mild COPD admitted that: “Future research should address two major issues: first, whether mild airflow limitation represents...
The constraints placed upon possible interventions are loosened to allow practitioner autonomy in individualizing patient care. Not only may different treatments be offered, but different practitioners with different training may diagnose and then prescribe those treatments with different clinical goals and ...
Primary care role key in postwar mental illness.(News)TUCSON, ARIZ. -- Primary care physicians have a key role to play in screening soldiers and...MacNeil, Jane SalodofClinical Psychiatry News
Data obtained through mailed questionnaires received from 307 primary care physicians practising in or near Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, provide tentative support for the research hypothesis. The discussion suggests some dysfunctional aspects of traditional medical norms, and points to the need for ...