Dr. Otter is an excellent doctor and an amazing person!! She is mine and my husband's primary. We are so lucky to have found such an amazing, knowledgeable, caring doctor! I would highly recommend her to anyone. I am incredibly grateful for Dr. Otter’s exceptional care. Her deep know...
BASIS Tucson Primary is a public charter school in Tucson, Arizona, serving 806 students in grades K-12 with a diverse student population. BASIS Tucson Primary consistently outperforms the state and district averages in standardized test scores, with 81% of 3rd-grade students and 85% of 4th-...
Academy of Tucson Elementary School 9209 E Wrightstown Rd, Tucson, AZ 85715 (73 miles) Anna Henry Elementary School 650 N Igo Way, Tucson, AZ 85710 (74 miles) Dunham Elementary School 9850 E 29Th St, Tucson, AZ 85748 (75 miles) Cradleboard School 7301 N Powerline Rd, Whiteriver, AZ ...
Lifestyle changes should be emphasized as a first-line approach for the primary prevention of CVD before considering aspirin therapy. “Many times, patients come to a health care practitioner asking for a miracle drug,” Berger said. “I tell them they have incredible power and abi...
TucsonAZUSAEric R. HansenGemini -m Telescopes ProjectLe CreusotFranceDavid HagelbargerAdvanced Technology Optical/IR Telescopes VIB. Perona, et al. :"Hardware implementation of the primary mirror surface heating system for the Gemini 8 meter telescope", SPIE Proc. Vol. 3352, pp.868-878, (1998...
TucsonAZUSAJames H. BurgeSteward Observatory/Univ. of ArizonaTucsonAZUSAOptical Telescopes of Today and TomorrowH. M. Martin, J. H. Burge, D. A. Ketelsen, S. C. West, "Fabrication of the 6.5 m primary mirror for the Multiple Mirror Telescope Conversion", in Optical Telescopes of Today ...
TucsonAZUSAWilliam R. PowellCorning Inc.CorningNYUSA.Advanced Materials for Optical and Precision StructuresM. K. Cho, ``Thermal analysis on hex placement patterns of the Gemini primary mirror,'' Proc. SPIE 2857, 28 - 44 ͑1996͒.
TucsonAZUSA.Actuator Technology and ApplicationsLuciano Miglietta, Shawn P. Callahan. Position actuators of the 6.5 - m borosilicate honeycomb primary mirrors [ J ]. SPIE, 1996,2865:28 - 39.Position actuators of the 6.5-m borosilicate honeycomb primary mirrors. Luciano Miglietta,Shawn P Callahan....