UAIHC was designed to embody integrative philosophies and an integrative care delivery model. In addition to the two fulltime University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) IM fellowship-trained primary care physicians, practitioners included a chiropractor, 1–2 acupuncturists, a ...
He has Fellowships from the Royal College of Physicians in both London and Edinburgh and the Royal College of General Practitioners. He has editorial experience of working with a number of journals, including the BMJ (editorial advisor, Primary Care editorial advisor) and PLOS Medicine (section ...
BASIS Tucson Primary is a public charter school in Tucson, Arizona, serving 806 students in grades K-12 with a diverse student population. BASIS Tucson Primary consistently outperforms the state and district averages in standardized test scores, with 81% of 3rd-grade students and 85% of 4th-...
Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, USA Sally E Dodds, Randy Horwitz, Robert L Crocker & Victoria H Maizes University of Arizona College of Nursing, Tucson, AZ, USA Melanie D Logue Center for Health Outcomes & PharmacoEconomic Research...
Ventana Vista Elementary School 6085 N Kolb Rd, Tucson, AZ 85750 (73 miles) Academy of Tucson Elementary School 9209 E Wrightstown Rd, Tucson, AZ 85715 (73 miles) Anna Henry Elementary School 650 N Igo Way, Tucson, AZ 85710 (74 miles) Dunham Elementary School 9850 E 29Th St, Tucson, ...
Department of Medicine, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Paul Enright Clinical Epidemiology Research Center, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, Mailcode 151B, West Haven, CT, USA Carlos Vaz Fragoso Contributions Both authors contributed to the writing, added references, and edited the fina...
TucsonAZUSAOptical Telescopes of Today and TomorrowH. M. Martin, J. H. Burge, D. A. Ketelsen, S. C. West, "Fabrication of the 6.5 m primary mirror for the Multiple Mirror Telescope Conversion", in Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow: Following in the Direction of Tycho Brahe, ...
TucsonAZUSAEric R. HansenGemini -m Telescopes ProjectLe CreusotFranceDavid HagelbargerAdvanced Technology Optical/IR Telescopes VIB. Perona, et al. :"Hardware implementation of the primary mirror surface heating system for the Gemini 8 meter telescope", SPIE Proc. Vol. 3352, pp.868-878, (1998...
TucsonAZUSA.Actuator Technology and ApplicationsLuciano Miglietta, Shawn P. Callahan. Position actuators of the 6.5 - m borosilicate honeycomb primary mirrors [ J ]. SPIE, 1996,2865:28 - 39.Position actuators of the 6.5-m borosilicate honeycomb primary mirrors. Luciano Miglietta,Shawn P Callahan....
TucsonAZUSAWilliam R. PowellCorning Inc.CorningNYUSA.Advanced Materials for Optical and Precision StructuresM. K. Cho, ``Thermal analysis on hex placement patterns of the Gemini primary mirror,'' Proc. SPIE 2857, 28 - 44 ͑1996͒.