ExpositionExposition BackgroundBackground If the principal purp 38、ose of writing is simply to tell a story, to tell only what happened, then the writing is a narration. If the writer intends to show how something looks, to re-create an object or a scene in words, then he is writing ...
1、Part TwoBackground InformationENTERBTLEW Author Birds Eye View Tribalism World Population GlobalizationBackground InformationContentsNorman Cousins (19151990)Careers: writer editor citizen diplomat promoter of holistic healing unflagging optimistLifelong Concerns: war and peace world governance just 2、ice ...
(1) 预知了此次汇报,你总共会讲4章内容(Introduction、Literature Review、Model、Numerical analysis) (2) 该页属于第一章的第一部分——Background(因为它被点亮了,其他暗着) (3) 讲完该页的背景,你会讲贡献——Contribution 中间 介绍Background的具体内容,分了四个层级: 一级:好好学习天天向上;二级:... ...
background experiences Back Next type and difficulty purpose language development and familiarity 上海交通大学出版社 3. The three main kinds of reading are ___ reading, ___ reading, and ___ reading. 4. Study-type reading usually requires the reader to ___ to the text. 5. Survey reading ...
I feel that my academic background and my work experience qualify me for this position. I am presently a junior accounting major at Shanxi Business College. During the past years, I have taken courses in accounting, taxation, Enclosure and contact information trusts, and business law. Last ...
and so I wasn't very good at meeting new people. I was afraid that I would do or say something wrong. So in our school's annual grand play, I usually sat in a secluded (僻静的) corner to watch the performance alone. I hoped to sit in the background and watch the actors sweat ...
Section1:WarmUp Lead-in BackgroundInformation Lookatthetwopictures,andanswerthefollowingquestions.1.Howwillyoudescribethetowninthepictures?2.Doyoulikethetown?Whyorwhynot?Section1:WarmUp Lead-in BackgroundInformation Expressionsyoumightusefordescribingthepictures:Splendid,poetical,graceful,mysterious,picturesque...
2.MacronwaseducatedmostlyattheJesuitLycéelaProvidenceinAmiensbeforehisparentssenthimtofinishhislastyearofschoolattheeliteLycéeHenri-IV(顶级高中巴黎亨利四世中学)inParis,wherehecompletedthehighschoolcurriculumandtheundergraduateprogramwithaBachelor'sdegree.最新英美Unit2报刊选读GlobalPersonage BackgroundInformation(2...