Any type of school presentation can benefit from these free PPT slides. Use any of these as a cover page for PowerPoint. There are several different designs with classroom-related shapes and drawings. 14. PPT Free Business Plan This simple cover page template has a dark-colored background wi...
9.ROSE BEAUTY: Attractive Slides for PPT Talk about stunning graphics! The pops of color against a white background make this template an eye-catcher. This makes it the ultimate presentation template for marketing endeavors or any other line of work that requires sleek content blocks and unique...
• The new curriculum standard for junior high school English in comprehensive education in 2024 is the latest achievement of this reform, which will further promote the reform and development of English education in China Background and Objectives of the Development of the New Curriculum Standards...
Project: The Youth Column of English Weekly in our school, themed “Adversity & Courage” next week, is collecting three reports on people who persevere. You’re going to contribute to it as a group. How can you prepare for it well ...
Background information (2) Nutshell magazine Nutshell is a project, a brainchild, a repository of imponderables. In fact, as a wise man said, its An Anthology of Miscellany. Its a special connection between the internet and the feverish imaginations that act as a medium between this waking ...
I feel that my academic background and my work experience qualify me for this position. I am presently a junior accounting major at Shanxi Business College. During the past years, I have taken courses in accounting, taxation, Enclosure and contact information trusts, and business law. Last ...
7 Video录像 ExpertMiltonChen项目式学习范例 8 Project-BasedLearningEssentials项目式学习的要素 9 EssentialCharacteristicsofProject-BasedLearning项目式学习的必要特性 Anchor锚定问题 Anintroductionandbackgroundinformationtosetthestageandgenerateinterest.介绍背景信息,引起学生对本项目的兴趣。
1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 10 The Role of Education Content Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final ProjectTask 1The following is a list of the core courses offered by colleges or universities. Select what you think are...
StartingoutReadingFocusReadingMorePracticalTranslationFocusedWritingFinalProject Startingout Task1WorkingroupstointerpretandcommentonthequotationsaboutleisureonPage64.Startingout—Task1 1.Tobeabletofillleisureintelligentlyisthelastproductofcivilization.—ArnoldToynbee Britisheconomichistorianandsocialreformer Interpretation:...