Ivy League institutions account for seven of the nine Colonial Colleges chartered(特许建立的)before the American Revolution(美国独立战争:1775-1783). 1.Background Information: Ivy League Enrollments Undergraduate enrollments range from about 4,000 to 14,000, Total enrollments, including graduate students...
. Toward a brighter future for all 2015.10 * . 1, Background information American higher education In the United States, students can choose to go to the university or move into the society. Ameria is said to have the best higher education in the world. Also the number of American ...
2. time — when to go to school ? 3. teachers — mechanical teachers / men teachers? 4. students — alone or together / taught the same thing or differently? 5. teaching and learning methods — getting information / questions and answers / communicative activities 6. homework and tests —...
I.Background(Paras1– 2) Africanclothingisknownforitscolorfulfabricsand1___designs. The2___andcolorofAfricantextilesbecamean3___ofwealthandknowledgeinsociety.II.TypesandColorDenotation(Paras3–7) 4___takesthefirstanddom人人文库> 全部分类> 教育资料 > 课设设计...
BackgroundReferences Chineseparentsandemployershavebeguntoplaceahighvalueonoverseaseducation,especiallyattopAmericanandEuropeaninstitutionssuchasHarvardUniversity,OxfordUniversity,andCambridgeUniversity,whichare"revered"amongmanymiddle-classparents.Since2019,thenumberofChineseapplicantstotopschoolsoverseashasincreasedtenfold....
一.Analysisofteachingbackground(教学背景分析)2.Analysisofthestudents(说学生)我的教学对象是高中学生。高中生思想逐渐成熟,对美的追求和对成功的渴望也越来越强烈,因此课堂中除了关注语言知识学习和语言技能训练外,更应该注重其内心的理解和个人对事物的看法。二.Teachingaims ••••••Knowledgeaims(...
;可以使用……All the students in our school have free access to the files in the site.我们学校所有的学生都可以免费使用这个网站上的档案。The only access to success is to have an appropriate ambition and adequate preparation to achieve it.成功的唯一方法就是有一个合适的目标和实现它的充分准备。