在变量前加上类型可以规定变量只能存储该类型的值,若后续给变量赋不能转换为该类型的数值,则出错,例如[int]$x = 1就把$x的类型限制为int,若后续执行命令$x = "a"则出错,因为字符串"a"无法转换为整数。 也可以通过New-Variable定义变量,有如下几种方式: New-Variable<变量名>#变量名不带“$”New-Variable...
ToString Method string ToString(), string ToString(string format), string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider... 13.Get-Random : 从集合中获取随机数或随机选择对象 14.Get-UICulture : 获取操作系统中当前用户界面 (UI) 区域性设置 15.Get-Unique : 从排序列表返回唯一项目 16.Get-Variable :获取当前...
ForEach 循环适用于集合。 使用以下语法:foreach ( <variable> in <collection> )PowerShell 复制 foreach ( $node in $data ) { "Item: [$node]" } ForEach 方法我很容易忘记这一点,但它很适合简单的操作。 PowerShell 允许你对集合调用 .ForEach()。PowerShell 复制 ...
StringYou can pipe a string that contains the variable name to this cmdlet.OutputsPSVariableBy default, this cmdlet returns a AutomationPSVariable object for each variable that it gets. The object type depends on the variable.Object[]When you specify the ValueOnly parameter and the specified ...
我有这个代码: $string = "some string that contains 123456 in the middle" $substring = $string.substring(27,9).Trim() 我有一个包含"123456“的$substring,我在这里找到了这个IsNumeric函数:In PowerShell, how can I test if a variable holds a numeric value? 问题是,当我从$string中提取它...
@" Use a quotation mark, like ' or ", to begin a string. "@ 此指令輸出為: Output Use a quotation mark, like ' or ", to begin a string. 在此處的單引號字串中,變數會以常值方式解譯並完全重現。 例如: PowerShell @' The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profile...
false -InputObject <ServiceController[]> Specifies ServiceController objects that represent the services to stop. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects. Required? true Position? 0 Default value None Accept pipeline input? True (ByValue) ...
Windows PowerShell even provides a form of autocompletion for variables' methods, reducing the amount of typing you have to do. If $var contains a string, you can type $var. and then press Tab, which pops up the first method name for the $var variable. Pressing Tab again moves to the...
$a = "This is a string" $b = 123 $c = 0.125 方式二: Set-Variable var 100 Set-Variable var1 ”test“ Set-Variable va2 800 2.获取变量值 get-variable var #获取单个变量值 get-variable var* #获取多个变量值 3.清空变量值 clear-variable var ...
I also could have used the Windows PowerShell elseif control structure. Additionally, instead of using an explicit $loaded variable, I could have used the Windows PowerShell break statement to exit the delay loop. Windows PowerShell has a rich set of control structures that allow you to progra...