The function contains two commands. The $PSHelp variable stores the path to the PowerShell help files. $PSHOME is the PowerShell installation directory with the subdirectory en-US that specifies each *.txt file in the directory.The Select-String command in the function uses the Path ...
We are given an array and element.Our goal is to check if array contains the element. For instance, given an array[PowerShell", "Java", "PHP"], we want to check if the string"Java"is an element of this array. This simple query opens up a range of important considerations such as ...
[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($newVariable) OUTPUT 1 2 3 False This time, we got False because the $newVariable is not null or empty but contains a string type value, Hello World. 6.2 Using IsNullOrWhiteSpace() Method we can use the IsNullOrWhiteSpace() method to check if the specified str...
Notice on line 5 that the $_ variable, which represents the current pipeline object, is embedded inside the WMI query string. When a string is contained within double quotation marks, Windows PowerShell will always try to replace variables like $_ with their contents, so that you don't ...
包含比较运算符确定测试值是否出现在引用集中(-in、-notin、-contains、-notcontains)。 类型比较运算符(-is、-isnot)确定对象是否为给定类型。 有关详细信息,请参阅about_Comparison_Operators。 逻辑运算符 使用逻辑运算符(-and、-or、-xor、-not、!)将条件语句连接到单个复杂条件中。 例如,可以使用逻辑-and运...
I also could have used the Windows PowerShell elseif control structure. Additionally, instead of using an explicit $loaded variable, I could have used the Windows PowerShell break statement to exit the delay loop. Windows PowerShell has a rich set of control structures that allow you to progra...
If you aren't using MFA, you should be able to use theCredentialparameter instead of theUserPrincipalNameparameter. First, run the command$Credential = Get-Credential, enter your username and password, and then use the variable name for theCredentialparameter (-Credential $Credential). If it do...
Array Contains String not comparing. Array Counts Array Dropdown set to a variable Array to string and spaces Array to string using newlines possible? Asset Inventory - Assistance with Powershell Script ASSIGN AN HTML BLOCK TO A VARIABLE Assigning a timeout to invoke-command Assigning Multiple ...
The switch statement lists each condition and an optional action. If a condition obtains, the action is performed.Syntax 1:Syntax Kopeeri switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] ( <value> ) { <string>|<number>|<variable>|{ <expression> } {<statement list>} <string>|<number...
In a more complex log file, however, it's possible there would be variable data stored between the two IP addresses, and so a simple string match won't work. In that scenario you would have to resort to a regular expression, which will also work well on simpler log formats, so that'...