$servers | Select-String SQL 我仔細看看 Select-String,-match 另$matches 一篇文章中的 變數稱為 使用regex 的很多方式。$null或空白$null測試或空陣列可能很棘手。 以下是陣列的常見陷阱。一目了然,此語句看起來應該正常運作。PowerShell 複製 if ( $array -eq $null) { 'Array is $null' } 但...
在另一篇名为使用正则表达式的多种方式的文章中,我详细介绍了 Select-String、-match 和$matches 变量。$null 或空测试$null 或空数组可能比较棘手。 下面是一些常见的数组陷阱。这个语句乍一看似乎可行。PowerShell 复制 if ( $array -eq $null) { 'Array is $null' } ...
ToString Method string ToString(), string ToString(string format), string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider... 13.Get-Random : 从集合中获取随机数或随机选择对象 14.Get-UICulture : 获取操作系统中当前用户界面 (UI) 区域性设置 15.Get-Unique : 从排序列表返回唯一项目 16.Get-Variable :获取当前...
System.String You can pipe a service object or a string that contains the name of a service to this cmdlet. OUTPUTS None, System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController This cmdlet generates a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController object that represents the service, if you use the PassThru parameter. Oth...
Notice on line 5 that the $_ variable, which represents the current pipeline object, is embedded inside the WMI query string. When a string is contained within double quotation marks, Windows PowerShell will always try to replace variables like $_ with their contents, so that you don't ...
Use a quotation mark, like ' or ", to begin a string. 在此處的單引號字串中,變數會以常值方式解譯並完全重現。 例如: PowerShell @' The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profile. '@ 此指令輸出為: Output The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profi...
I also could have used the Windows PowerShell elseif control structure. Additionally, instead of using an explicit $loaded variable, I could have used the Windows PowerShell break statement to exit the delay loop. Windows PowerShell has a rich set of control structures that allow you to progra...
@' The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profile. '@ 此命令的输出为: Output The $profile variable contains the path of your PowerShell profile. 在双引号 here-string 中,变量替换为其值。 例如: PowerShell @" Even if you have not created a profile, the path of the ...
If you aren't using MFA, you should be able to use theCredentialparameter instead of theUserPrincipalNameparameter. First, run the command$Credential = Get-Credential, enter your username and password, and then use the variable name for theCredentialparameter (-Credential $Credential). If it do...
Set-Variable var1 ”test“ Set-Variable va2 800 2.获取变量值 get-variable var #获取单个变量值 get-variable var* #获取多个变量值 3.清空变量值 clear-variable var 4.删除变量 remove-variable var 5.连接两个字符串变量 $a = "This is the 1st string" ...