在变量前加上类型可以规定变量只能存储该类型的值,若后续给变量赋不能转换为该类型的数值,则出错,例如[int]$x = 1就把$x的类型限制为int,若后续执行命令$x = "a"则出错,因为字符串"a"无法转换为整数。 也可以通过New-Variable定义变量,有如下几种方式: New-Variable<变量名>#变量名不带“$”New-Variable...
Variable substitution PowerShell has another option that is easier. You can specify your variables directly in the strings. PowerShell $message="Hello,$first$last." The type of quotes you use around the string makes a difference. A double quoted string allows the substitution but a sing...
In this example, $c gets expanded to “System.Diagnostics.Process (calc)”. The problem is that you wanted the $c.Handles to be expanded. PSMDTAG:FAQ: How do I expand an expression in a string? Windows PowerShell will expand a variable or an expression in a string. Variables look lik...
Get-PSDrive [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Scope <String>] [-PSProvider <String[]>] [-V erbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [- OutVariable <String>] [-OutBuffer <Int32>] 使用PSProvider 参数,可以仅显示受特定提供程序支持的 PowerShell 驱动器。 例如...
$MyVariable=1,2,3$Path="C:\Windows\System32" 變數很適合用來儲存命令的結果。 例如: PowerShell $Processes=Get-Process$Today= (Get-Date).DateTime 若要顯示變數的值,請在貨幣符號前面輸入變數名稱, ($) 。 例如: PowerShell $MyVariable Output ...
That’s the secret right there: put a grave accent in front of a variable and PowerShell will echo back the variable name ($pshome) rather than the value of that variable. And that’s true even if – as we’ve done here – the entire string is enclosed in double quotes....
Windows PowerShell will use the String data type to store the value. In .NET Framework terms, that's the System.String class, which has perhaps the most built-in functionality of any variable type. If, say, I want to see an all-lowercase version of the value in $var, I can do this...
InformationAction 的有效值為 SilentlyContinue、Stop、Continue、Inquire、Ignore 或 Suspend,預設值為 SilentlyContinue。 針對來自命令的 Write-Host 資料,您可使用 InformationVariable 將字串指定為要儲存的變數名稱。 InformationPreference (新的喜好設定變數) 能指定您在 Windows PowerShell 工作階段中針對資訊串流資料...
New-Variable [-Name] <String> [[-Value] <Object>] [-Description <String>] [-Option <ScopedItemOptions>] [-Visibility <SessionStateEntryVisibility>] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Scope <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]Description...
-ResponseHeadersVariable创建包含响应标头字典的变量。 输入一个不带美元符号 ($) 的变量名称。 字典的键包含 Web 服务器返回的响应标头的域名称和值。 此功能在 PowerShell 6.0.0 中添加。 展开表 类型: String 别名: RHV Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False...