Get-Variable 备注 Windows PowerShell 包含多个 cmdlet,用于创建、操作和查看变量。 但很少会使用这些变量,因为可以直接创建和操作变量,而无需使用 cmdlet。 因此,本课程仅简要介绍了用于操作变量的 cmdlet。 下一单元: 在 Windows PowerShell 脚本中创建变量名称 ...
token: keyword variable command command-parameter command-argument-token integer-literal real-literal string-literal type-literal operator-or-punctuator 描述:令牌 是PowerShell 语言中最小的词法元素。令牌可以通过新行、注释、空格或其任意组合分隔。2.3...
param( [ValidateDrive("C", "D", "Variable", "Function")] [string]$Path ) ValidateUserDrive 验证属性 ValidateUserDrive 属性指定参数值必须在驱动器中User表示。 如果路径引用其他驱动器,PowerShell 将生成错误。 验证属性仅测试路径的驱动器前缀是否存在。 如果使用相对路径,则当前驱动器必须...
It turns out, like many things PowerShell, you can find the answer to the question inside PowerShell itself. In this case, inside a PowerShell automatic variable,$PROFILE. Automatic variables in PowerShell, are variables created by PowerShell itself and are available for use. These variables a...
The Parameter attribute enables you to define the parameter differently for each parameter set. For example, you can define a parameter as mandatory in one set and optional in another. However, each parameter set must contain at least one unique parameter. Parameters that don't have an assigned...
To define a default value for a parameter, type an equal sign and the value after the parameter name, as shown in the following variation of theGet-SmallFilesexample: PowerShell functionGet-SmallFiles($Size=100) {Get-ChildItem$HOME|Where-Object{$_.Length-lt$Size-and!$_.PSIsContainer } } ...
('Runtime, Managed')19$var_type_builder.DefineMethod('Invoke', 'Public, HideBySig, NewSlot, Virtual',$var_return_type,$var_parameters).SetImplementationFlags('Runtime, Managed')2021return$var_type_builder.CreateType()22}2324[Byte[]]$var_code= [System.Convert]::FromBase64String('此处为...
First, define a$testvariable in the global scope. PowerShell $test="Global" Next, create a Sample.ps1 script that defines the$testvariable. In the script, use a scope modifier to refer to either the global or local versions of the$testvariable. ...
Windows PowerShell also provides a more complex way of declaring parameters. This more full-fledged syntax lets you define parameters as mandatory, specify a position (if you don’t do so, then the parameter can only be used by name) and more. This expanded syntax is also legal in both ...
The input variable to the Set-StopWatch function is $action. The Switch statement looks at the value of the $action variable to determine the action to take: Copy Write-Debug "Set-StopWatch action is $action Switch ($action) Now we need to define the action that will take place. ...