Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check network drive connection Check object property existance check PKI certificate expiration Check string for two special characters back to back Check to see if user has mailbox in o365 Checking a directory ...
In this example, the $var variable is created and initialized to a string value of word2. The switch statement uses the Regex class to match the variable value first with the term word2. Because the variable value and the first test in the switch statement match, the first code block in...
Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check network drive connection Check object property existance check PKI certificate expiration Check string for two special characters back to back Check to see if user has mailbox in o365 Checking a directory ...
string-literal variable generic-token-char generic-token-char: Any Unicode character except { } ( ) ; , | & $ ` (The backtick character U+0060) double-quote-character single-quote-character whitespace new-line-character escaped-character generic-token-with-subexpr-start: generic-token-parts $...
So start with the string, convert it entirely to lowercase (to avoid the feature ofToTitleCasethat preserves all-capitalized words), and change the underscores to spaces. Now we can askToTitleCaseto capitalize the first letter of each word. Then we compress out the spaces with...
$groupLicenseInformation =([string]$grp.Properties.Item($groupLicenseInfoAttribute)) } } # create the output file and write the header Out-File -InputObject $header -FilePath $outFile # main routine function GetLicenseInformation() { # create a adsisearcher ...
Display all service names matching a string pattern. The below example lists all the services starts with character "A"Copy get-service -ComputerName hqdbsp18| Where-Object {$_.Name -like 'A*'} | select -expand name Copy get-service -ComputerName hqdbsp18| Wh...
Your string starts with uppercase H. In this code, we initialize a string variable, $strVal, with the value 'Hello World!'. We employ the -clike operator, which is used for case-sensitive string comparison, to check if the string begins with the lowercase letter 'h'. The conditional ...
PowerShell’s built-in tab expansion also works for file system paths. For example, suppose C:\Scripts is the only folder on drive C whose name starts with the letters. Perfect: typeC:\Sand press TAB. And then let PowerShell take it from there. ...
Does that really work? You bet it does; our part number starts with the letterd, and our script correctly echoes back the fact that the color is yellow: The color is yellow. Incidentally, you can put these wildcard characters anywhere in the string. Want to take action if thelastcharacte...