Serializes this instance of StringBeginsWithAdvancedFilter into a JsonNode. C# Copy public Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.EventGrid.Runtime.Json.JsonNode ToJson (Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.EventGrid.Runtime.Json.JsonObject container, Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.EventGrid.Ru...
Since the condition is false, indicating that the string begins with an uppercase 'H', we output Your string starts with uppercase H. Remember, the -clike operator is case-sensitive, so it will not match strings if the case of the characters does not match exactly. If we want to ...
PS C:\> Get-Help Get-AzCdnProfile NAME Get-AzCdnProfile SYNOPSIS Gets an Azure CDN profile. SYNTAX Get-AzCdnProfile [-ProfileName <String>] [-ResourceGroupName <String>] [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION Gets an Azure CDN...
A here-string is a single-quoted or double-quoted string surrounded by at signs (@). Quotation marks within a here-string are interpreted literally. A here-string: spans multiple lines begins with the opening mark followed by a newline ...
SYNTAX Get-AzCdnProfile [-ProfileName <String>] [-ResourceGroupName <String>] [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION Gets an Azure CDN profile and all related information. RELATED LINKS
Active Directory attribute. For example, the SID property is in the default set for Get-ADUser and Get-ADComputer, but there is no such attribute in Active Directory. The SID property will be the value of the objectSID attribute, which is a byte array, converted into the fam...
For example, when you apply them to simple data such as a string, the -like and -match comparison operators determine whether the string matches the specified pattern. When you apply them to a collection of simple data, those same comparison operators return all elements in that collection ...
Argument mode is designed for parsing arguments and parameters for commands in a shell environment. All input is treated as an expandable string unless it uses one of the following syntaxes: Dollar sign ($) followed by a variable name begins a variable reference, otherwise it's interpreted as...
Windows PowerShell Animesh Joshi Brass Contributor Jan 14, 2022 Does it tell you which script line it throws the error on? After it errors out, can you post the output of the following: $error[0] | fl * -force
If specified with a value, then the value must be a secure string. This isn't the preferred usage when running the cmdlet interactively. For example, you can manually prompt for a password by using the Read-Host cmdlet to prompt the user for a secure string. PowerShell Copy Uninstall-AD...