if($oldUrl.StartsWith($urlItem.oldurl)) { } This works fine but is case sensitive. I updated it this way: if($oldUrl.StartsWith($urlItem.oldurl,$true)) { } And this does not work. I replaced the ',' with a space and even that did not help. How can I make this string Sta...
Array Contains String not comparing. Array Counts Array Dropdown set to a variable Array to string and spaces Array to string using newlines possible? Asset Inventory - Assistance with Powershell Script ASSIGN AN HTML BLOCK TO A VARIABLE Assigning a timeout to invoke-command Assigning Multiple Val...
format-expression 根据format-expression 指定的 format-specification-string,格式化 range-expression 指定的一个或多个值。 范围表达式 指定的值的位置从零开始编号,以词法顺序递增。 结果具有类型 string。格式说明字符串可能包含零个或多个格式说明,每个格式说明具有以下形式:...
function Get-Sample { [CmdletBinding()] param([string]$Name, [string]$Path) dynamicparam { if ($Path.StartsWith("HKLM:")) { $parameterAttribute = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]@{ ParameterSetName = "ByRegistryPath" Mandatory = $false } $attributeCollection = [System....
Optionally, you can provide a brief help string that describes the default value of your parameter, by adding thePSDefaultValueattribute to the description of your parameter, and specifying theHelpproperty ofPSDefaultValue. To provide a help string that describes the default value (100) of theSize...
You can also use theStartsWithandEndsWithmethods to quickly determine whether a value starts or ends with a specific string. Want to know if the value of $a starts with the stringScript? Then use this command: $d = $a.StartsWith("Script") ...
PowerShell 使用特殊文本命令 -- string 对象方法 从之前的章节中,我们知道PowerShell将一切存储在对象中,那这些对象中包含了一系列中的称之为方法的指令。默认文本存储在String对象中,它包含了许多非常有用的处理文本的命令。例如,要确定一个文件的扩展名,可以使用LastIndexOf()获取最后一个字符“.”的位置,继续使...
Specifies parameters or parameter values to use when this cmdlet starts the process. Arguments can be accepted as a single string with the arguments separated by spaces, or as an array of strings separated by commas. The cmdlet joins the array into a single string with each element of the a...
-NoninteractiveStarts the PowerShell console in non-interactive mode. In this mode, PowerShell does not present an interactive prompt to the user. -NoProfileTells the PowerShell console not to load the current user’s profile. -OutputFormatSets the format for output as either text string or ser...