if (Test-Path -Path $File) { “File exists!” } else { “File doesn’t exist.” } 判断命令是否存在 $cmdName = nslookup if (Get-CommandcmdName -errorAction SilentlyContinue) { "cmdName exists" }
if (Test-Path -Path "C:/test/file.txt" -PathType Leaf) { "The file exists." } else { "The file does not exist." } ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 1人点赞 powershell 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我" ...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not 0...
Create A Directory If It Does Not Exist To create a directory if it does not exist, this is a very robust example of how you might want to handle it. Adapt to suit your needs. This code was put in the file "NewDirDemo.ps1" that you see me using below. [CmdletBinding()] Param( ...
if语句最常见的用法是比较两个项。 PowerShell 具有特殊运算符,可用于不同的比较方案。 当使用比较运算符时,会将左右两侧的值进行比较。 -eq(等于) -eq在两个值之间执行相等检查,以确保它们彼此相等。 powershell复制 $value=Get-MysteryValueif(5-eq$value) {# do something} ...
$Folder='C:\Windows'"Test to see if folder [$Folder] exists"if(Test-Path-Path$Folder) {"Path exists!"}else{"Path doesn't exist."} This is similar to the-d $filepathoperator for IF statements in Bash.Trueis returned if$filepathexists, otherwiseFalseis returned. ...
]$PolicyListCSV="", [Switch]$ResultCSV)# ---# File operation# ---FunctionFileExist {Param(# File path needed to check[Parameter(Mandatory =$true)] [String]$FilePath, [Switch]$Warning)$inputFileExist=Test-Path$FilePathif(!$inputFileExist) {if($Warning-eq$false) { WriteToLog-...
1、添加APP接口 请求方式:POST 传送数据类型:JSON 请求URL: ...
# Test and ensure file does not already exist IF (TEST-PATH -path $Logfilename) { WRITE-ERROR –message “Error: $Logfilename exists.”–category ‘WriteError’ # If file exists, return a status of Boolean $False for Unsuccessful
PowerShell 7.0 引進了三元運算子,其行為類似簡化的if-else陳述式。 PowerShell 的三元運算子會根據 C# 三元運算子語法嚴密地進行模型化: <condition> ? <if-true> : <if-false> 條件運算式一律會進行評估,並將結果轉換成布林值,以判斷下一個要評估的分支: ...