If File exists then copy it script powershell If is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet? if not contains If statement based on day of the week evaluating despite being false If Test-Connection do these action else exit. If variable is null or empty skip in script If with multiple c...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not ...
if (!assemblyToResolve.Name.Equals("AlcModule.Engine")) { return null; } // Allow our ALC to handle the directory discovery concept // // This is where Alc.Engine.dll is loaded into our custom ALC // and then passed through into PowerShell's ALC, // becoming the bridge between both...
If you want a function that can take pipeline input or input from a parameter, then the process block needs to handle both cases. For example: PowerShell Copy function Get-SumOfNumbers { param ( [int[]]$Numbers ) begin { $retValue = 0 } process { if ($null -ne $Numbers) { for...
#In UtilityFunctions.ps1functionNew-Profile{Write-Host"Running New-Profile function"$profileName=Split-Path$PROFILE-Leafif(Test-Path$PROFILE) {Write-Error"Profile$profileNamealready exists on this computer."}else{New-Item-Typefile-Path$PROFILE-Force} } ...
Update-Helprequires internet access to download the help content. If your computer doesn't have internet access, use theSave-Helpcmdlet on a computer with internet access to download and save the updated help content. Then, use theSourcePathparameter ofUpdate-Helpto specify the location of the ...
If you are running Windows Server 2008, Windows PowerShell 1.0 exists in the operating system but is disabled by default. You can re-enable Windows PowerShell from Windows Server 2008. Supported Versions of SQL Server You must use the SQL Server 2008 client components to run Windows PowerShell...
If the profile exists, the response isTrue; otherwise, it isFalse. To create a Windows PowerShell profile file, type: Copy new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force To open the profile in Notepad, type: Copy notepad $profile
Import-Module filepath\FixDuplicateMailAddresses.psm1 (Optional) Run the following command if you want to read the help of this function: 001 Get-Help Export-OSCADObjectEmailAddress -Full Run one of the following commands to export mail-enabled groups that have a duplicate email address to a...
as desired, nothing happens. Otherwise, the LCM makes a request to the pull server to get a given configuration. If that configuration exists on the pull server, and it passes initial validation checks, the configuration is transmitted to the pull client, where it is then executed by the ...