您也可以使用 if 語句scriptblock 將值指派給變數。PowerShell 複製 $discount = if ( $age -ge 55 ) { Get-SeniorDiscount } elseif ( $age -le 13 ) { Get-ChildDiscount } else { 0.00 } 每個腳本區塊都會將命令的結果或值寫入為輸出。 我們可以將語句的結果 if 指派給 $discount 變數。 該範例...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not ...
如果<condition>表达式为 true,则执行<if-true>表达式 如果<condition>表达式为 false,则执行<if-false>表达式 例如: PowerShell复制 $message= (Test-Path$path) ?"Path exists":"Path not found" 在此示例中,当 返回 时,$message的值为Path exists。Test-Path$true$false返回 时Test-Path,的$messagePath ...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Data_Sections 和about_Script_Internationalization。 文稿簽署 - 您可以將數位簽名新增至文稿。 視執行原則而定,您可以使用數位簽名來限制可能包含不安全命令的腳本執行。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Execution_Policies 和about_Signing。 另請參閱 about_Command_Precedence about_Comment...
Invoke-Command$session-ScriptBlock{Get-Processpwsh } Output Linux 到 Windows PowerShell Enter-PSSession-HostNameWinVM1-UserNamePTestName PTestName@WinVM1s password: PowerShell [WinVM1]: PS C:\Users\PTestName\Documents> cmd /c ver Output ...
A script can contain any valid PowerShell commands, including single commands, commands that use the pipeline, functions, and control structures such as If statements and For loops. To write a script, open a new file in a text editor, type the commands, and save them in a file with a ...
For the Intune remediation script, the base code is perfect, I just add this to the bottom: try { if ($global:foundvulnerable -eq $false){ Write-Log -Message "No issue found, exit with code 0" -Severity Information exit 0 } else { Write-Log -Message "Issue found, exit with code...
OSDetector.java PowerShell.java PowerShellCodepage.java PowerShellCommandProcessor.java PowerShellConfig.java PowerShellNotAvailableException.java PowerShellResponse.java PowerShellResponseHandler.java resources test .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE README.md ...
PowerShell executes the begin statement when it loads your script, the process statement for each item passed down the pipeline, and the end statement after all pipeline input has been processed. 3. 采用main函数的script语句 function Main
The following PowerShell functions let you enable and disable the system-wide script block logging policies.function Enable-PSScriptBlockLogging { $basePath = “HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScriptBlockLogging”if(-not (Test-Path $basePath)) { $null = New-Item $basePath ...