Write-Host "服务器: $($server.Name), 最后登录日期: $lastLogonDate" } 上述脚本首先导入了Active Directory模块,然后定义了OU的路径。接下来,使用Get-ADComputer命令获取OU中所有操作系统为服务器的计算机对象。然后,通过遍历每个服务器对象,使用Get-ADComputer命令获取lastlogonDate属性,并将结果输出到控制...
使用AD Filter是解决这个问题的方法,如果可能的话,不应该使用powershell进行过滤。
"Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access is not allowed." is returned after adding a where-object filter. "Get-EventLog: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" - why?? "Get-WmiObject not supported...
# Import Active Directory moduleImport-ModuleActiveDirectory# Get all user accounts and their last logon timestamps$users=Get-ADUser-Filter*-Properties LastLogonTimestamp# Filter out users who have logged on within the last 24 hours$users=$users|Where-Object{($_.LastLogonTime...
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession |Select-ObjectStartTime, LogonId, UserName 这个命令会返回会话的开始时间、登录ID 和用户名等信息。通过这个命令可以快速获取当前计算机上所有会话的信息。 要查看当前计算机上的在线用户,你可以使用以下 PowerShell 命令: ...
$inactiveInLastSixMonthsUsers = @()$inactiveInLastSixMonthsUsers = $allUsers.UserPrincipalName | where {$loggedOnUsers.UserIds -NotContains $_} #We get a resultWrite-Output "The following users have no logged in for the last 180 days:" #written to the screenWrite-Ou...
$JSON= Get-ADUser -Filter"SAMAccountName -eq 'jdray'"-Properties SAMAccountName, Name, DisplayName, Manager, SAMAccountType, pwdLastSet, Created, AccountExpirationDate, lastLogonTimestamp, DistinguishedName|Select-object -Property SAMAccountName, ...
Get-ADComputer-Filter*-Property Name 这些命令应当帮助您有效管理域和计算机帐户。 对每个领域的一些详细 PowerShell 命令和技巧: 域管理 加入域并指定组织单位(OU): powershellCopy Code Add-Computer-DomainName "yourdomain.com"-OUPath "OU=Computers,DC=yourdomain,DC=com"-Credential "yourdomain\username"-...
6. Getting One Currently Logged-on User 6.1 Using whoami Command 6.2 Using Get-WmiObject for Detailed Information 6.3 Using Invoke-Command for Remote Execution 6.4 Using Remote WMI Queries 7. Conclusion This topic can be interpreted as getting all current logged-on users and retrieving one logged...
how can i filter the all users last logon time in active directory? How can I force a client logon in a different Domain controller? How can I get the attributes details like user name, mail , from sAMAccount csv or notepad file through powershell or any other command in AD? How c...