$servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "*Server*"} -SearchBase $ouPath # 遍历每个服务器对象,获取lastlogonDate属性 foreach ($server in $servers) { $lastLogonDate = (Get-ADComputer $server -Properties LastLogonDate).LastLogonDate Write-Host "服务器: $($server.N...
I have created a PowerShell command that is supposed to export every users last logon time that is greater than 1 day. But it continues to create a blank document. Below is the command. Get-Mailbox -RecipientType 'UserMailbox' |%{ Get-MailboxStatistics $_.UserPrincipalNa...
在PowerShell 中提供了 Get-help Get-command 两个查询 Cmdlet Get-Command 用于提供基本语法信息,信息来自Cmdlet、函数脚本、自带的说明内容,用法: Get-Command [通配符]关键字[通配符] Get-help [待查询的cmdlet] [-example] [-detailed] [-full] 位置导航 大多数Cmdlet可使用-path指定执行位置或路径,交互模式...
Get-Command 知道命令產生的物件類型可讓您搜尋接受該物件類型做為輸入的命令。 PowerShell Get-Command-ParameterTypeServiceController 下列命令會透過管線或參數輸入接受ServiceController物件。 Output CommandType Name Version --- --- --- Cmdlet Get-Service Cmdlet Restart-Service Cmdlet Resume-Se...
AD Powershell command for deleted users AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid AD Users Active For Last 90 Days AD Users Change Company Name AD: Export list of ...
Import-ModuleActiveDirectoryNew-ADUser-SamAccountName"Username"-UserPrincipalName"Username@domain.com"-GivenName"First"-Surname"Last"-Enabled$true-ChangePasswordAtLogon$true-AccountPassword(ConvertTo-SecureString"Password123"-AsPlainText-Force) 设置文件共享权限: ...
My PowerShell-fu is not that advanced so I am looking for suggestions to make it more efficient. The script works, but I noticed that empty user profile folders at C:\Users\ were left behind. Please advise. Is this a candidate to be made into a function? $ErrorActionPreference = "...
ForEachObjectCommand ForegroundApplicationBoost FormatCustomCommand FormatDefaultCommand FormatHex FormatListCommand FormatTableCommand FormatWideCommand FormObject FormObjectCollection FrontPanelResetStatus FunctionProvider FunctionProviderDynamicParameters GenericMeasureInfo GenericObjectMeasureInfo GetAclCommand GetAliasComm...
2. Using the query Command 3. Using Get-Process 4. Using query Command on Remote Server 5. Invoke-Command with Win32_LogonSession and Win32_LoggedOnUser for Remote Server 6. Getting One Currently Logged-on User 6.1 Using whoami Command 6.2 Using Get-WmiObject for Detailed Information 6.3 ...
Last Username : Main Identity Last User ID : {563ED914-095C-4B36-9D01-743D0C2AF679} Identity Login : 622675 Default User ID : {563ED914-095C-4B36-9D01-743D0C2AF679} Keyboard Layout Network Printers Software System Volatile Environment LOGONSERVER : \\DC.PSTips.Net ...