Get last logon time,computer and username together with Powershell Get last logon user id on PC Get last logon user on a remote computer Get length of audio files and export to CSV - Powershell script Get Lenovo Warranty info automatically Get list of all empty AD groups with creation da...
Powershell是一种跨平台的脚本语言和命令行工具,用于自动化任务和配置管理。它在Windows操作系统中广泛应用于系统管理和云计算领域。 获取OU中所有服务器的lastlogonDate是指使...
使用Stop-Computer命令可以关闭计算机,使用Restart-Computer可以重启计算机。默认一分钟后关闭或重启计算机,若要立即关闭或重启,则可使用-Force参数。 Stop-Computer#关机Restart-Computer#重启Stop-Computer#立即关机Restart-Computer#立即重启 使用shutdown程序也可以关闭或重启计算机。使用参数-s则关机,使用参数-r则重启。在...
Rename-Computer-NewName"NewComputerName"-DomainCredential"yourdomain\username"-Restart-ComputerName"OldComputerName" 域成员管理 列出所有计算机及其最后登录时间: powershellCopy Code Get-ADComputer-Filter*-PropertyLastLogonTimestamp |Select-ObjectName,@{Name="LastLogonDate";Expression={[DateTime]::FromFile...
DistinguishedName : CN=Mike F. Robbins,CN=Users,DC=mikefrobbins,DC=com Enabled : True GivenName : Mike LastBadPasswordAttempt : LastLogonDate : 11/14/2023 5:10:16 AM Name : Mike F. Robbins ObjectClass : user ObjectGUID : 11c7b61f-46c3-4399-9ed0-ff4e453bc2a2 SamAccountName : mike...
$env:COMPUTERNAME 运行这个命令后,将显示当前主机的名称。 PowerShell 中,你可以使用以下命令来获取本机的配置信息: powershellCopy Code Get-ComputerInfo 运行这个命令后,将显示包含有关本机配置信息的详细输出,例如操作系统版本、处理器信息、内存信息、网络适配器等。
Use below command instead: select samaccountname, name, lastlogon select samaccountname, name, lastlogon | Export-Csv -Path "c:\temp\UserLogins.csv"The last step would be to change the LastLogon format so it can be understood, it can be done one line, complete co...
Import-CSV 'C:\provision1.csv' | ForEach-Object {New-QADUser -organizationalUnit 'company.pri/Singers' -name ($_.'First Name' + '.' + $_.'Last Name') -samAccountName $_.'Logon name' -city $ -title $_.'Job title' -department $_.department} ...
CsSystemType System running on the Windows-based computer CsThermalState Thermal state of the system when last booted CsTotalPhysicalMemory Total size of physical memory. CsUserName Name of a user that is logged on currently. CsWakeUpType Event that causes the system to power up CsWorkgroup...