Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 #Remove Files In The Target Path That Are Older Than The Specified Age (in days), Recursively. Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 -Force #Remove Files In The Target Pa...
This scripts runs daily to clean a folder of all items which are older than the retention period. It will also delete any empty folders that deleting the files have caused. It supports an optional rundate and the generic -whatif and -confirm parameters. This way you can see ...
but here's some code that will first delete all of the files older than 15 days, and then recursively delete any empty directories that may have been left behind. My code also uses the-Forceoption to delete hidden and read-only files as well. Also, I chose to not use aliases as the...
如果意外刪除檔案共用,則此指令碼可協助您將其取消刪除。 檔案共用的虛刪除安全性功能可讓您選擇在 14 天的保留期間內取消刪除檔案共用,以允許復原所有檔案共用內容、快照集和復原點。 若要深入瞭解虛刪除,請造訪此連結。 範例指令碼 PowerShell複製 #Import-Module Az.Storage -MinimumVersion 1.7.0 -Scope L...
Delete downloaded files from roaming profiles older than 30 days Delete empty folders Delete everything within a specific directory Delete files older than 24 hours Delete files older than and create a log of which files were deleted Delete files on remote server Delete files/folders on remote ser...
2 years,$true,KeepAndDelete,730,CreationAgeInDays, LabelName_t_2,Keep and delete tag - 7 years,$false,KeepAndDelete,2555,ModificationAgeInDays, LabelName_t_3,5 year delete,$false,Delete,1825,TaggedAgeInDays, LabelName_t_4,Record label tag - financial,$true,Keep,730,CreationAgeInDays,...
$policyDefn.PolicyRule[1].Lifecycle | fl DeleteAfterDuration : P3M DeleteAfterObjectType : AbsoluteDeleteOption SourceDataStoreObjectType : DataStoreInfoBase SourceDataStoreType : VaultStore TargetDataStoreCopySetting : {} 修改策略模板 修改计划
此文档探索基于Windows系统自带的任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)和PowerShell脚本,实现定期删除临时文件的方案。此外,也可以借助其它三方工具(如AutoDelete),实现临时文件删除。任务目标实现定时检查和删除指定位置文件 提供删除记录供查看和统计 熟悉定时任务创建和配置 熟悉PowerShell基本用法目标文件...
Microsoft Azure Backup Are you sure you want to remove this backup policy? This will delete all the backed up data. [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): 若要認可原則物件已完成,請使用Set-OBPolicyCmdlet。 系統將提示您進行確認。