This scripts runs daily to clean a folder of all items which are older than the retention period. It will also delete any empty folders that deleting the files have caused. It supports an optional rundate and the generic -whatif and -confirm parameters. This way you can see ...
Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 -EmptyFolder #Remove All Empty Folders In Target Path That Are Older Than Specified Age (in days). .NOTES The -EmptyFolders switch branches the function so that it will only perform its empty folder ...
Delete files older than X days automatically on Windows 10 from Task Scheduler The previous command allows you to delete files in a folder older than 30 days, but you need to open PowerShell and execute the command manually every time you want to free up space. You can always automate the...
Delete everything within a specific directory Delete files older than 24 hours Delete files older than and create a log of which files were deleted Delete files on remote server Delete files/folders on remote servers using powershell Delete folder based on date of creation of folder Delete Folde...
If you want to delete files that have not been modified in $OlderThan instead of been created $OlderThan age, replace $.CreationTime with $.LastWriteTime Get-ChildItem -Path$FolderPath-File -Filter"*.$FileExtension"| Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -LT (Get-Date).AddDays(-$OlderThan)} |...
PowerShell can delete not only a single file, but also entire directories or groups of files based on specific conditions. It can also delete only existing files, files older than x days, or delete files based on wildcard patterns. Let's keep reading to delete files or folder using Power...
比如我要删除E盘的tmp目录,但这个目录不为空,目录下有个delete.txt文件 打开“Windows PowerShell”并键入命令“Remove-Item”以及文件夹,末尾带有“-Recurse” 参考命令如下 Remove-Item E:tmp -Recurse 这会将E盘tmp目录下的所有文件,以及tmp目录都一块删除。
顺便说一句:CIM指令程式(例如,Get-CimInstance)取代了WMI cmdlet(例如,Get-WmiObject)在PowerShell ...
如果意外刪除檔案共用,則此指令碼可協助您將其取消刪除。 檔案共用的虛刪除安全性功能可讓您選擇在 14 天的保留期間內取消刪除檔案共用,以允許復原所有檔案共用內容、快照集和復原點。 若要深入瞭解虛刪除,請造訪此連結。 範例指令碼 PowerShell複製 #Import-Module Az.Storage -MinimumVersion 1.7.0 -Scope L...
名为“X”的新保留规则 生命周期 源数据存储 一段时间后在源数据存储中删除 复制到目标数据存储 检索策略模板 若要了解用于 Azure PostgreSQL 数据库备份的备份策略的内部组件,请使用Get-AzDataProtectionPolicyTemplate命令来检索策略模板。 此命令返回给定数据源类型的默认策略模板。 使用此策略模板创建新策略。